- broadcasting data segmentation 音频分割
- The data segment contains the string we want to display. 数据段中含有我们想要显示的字符串。
- When running, the BSS data are placed in the data segment. 同一个程序的没一个进程都有自己的bss区域。
- Any variables in a shared data segment must be statically initialized. 必须静态初始化共享数据段中的所有变量。
- For example, DHCP broadcasting data increase the burden on Internet, and DHCP inherits the redundant protocol header of BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol). 但随着网络的高速发展,DHCP的缺点也日益暴露,如:DHCP使用的广播数据增加了网络的负荷:DHCP本身还继承了自举协议(BOOTP,Bootstrap Protocol)冗长的协议头部等。
- It is verified with both pseudorandom data of a common OFDM system, and broadcasting data of a certain OFDM system: DAB. 结合一个OFDM实例-数字音频广播(DAB)系统,利用实际广播信号进行测试。
- You can however, broadcast data to the default broadcast address,, if you specify IPAddress.Broadcast in your call to the Send method. 但是;如果在调用Send方法时指定了IPAddress.;Broadcast;则可以将数据广播到默认的广播地址:255
- All shared variables are placed in the compiled DLL in the specified data segment. 所有共享变量放在编译DLL的指定数据段中。
- The network management and network secunrity can be strengthened by dividing the enterprise networks into virtual VLAN network, to control unnecessary broadcasting data. 通过将企业网络划分为虚拟网络VLAN网段,可以强化网络管理和网络安全,控制不必要的数据广播。
- When you use position-independent code, relocatable references are generated as an indirection that use data in the shared object's data segment. 当使用位置无关代码时,需要重定位的项被作为引用产生以进行间接访问,这些项被放置在共享库的数据段中。
- This initial piece of code sets up DS to point to the data segment, and initializes SS and SP to point to the top of the provided stack. 这是一段初始化代码,先把DS寄存器设置成指定数据段,然后把SS和SP寄存器设置成指定提供的栈顶。
- Four user and kernel code and data segments (see previous section). 四个用户/内核代码/数据段。
- Likewise, procedure calls to globally defined functions are redirected through the "Procedure Linkage Table" (PLT) residing in the data segment of the core image. 同样,全局函数调用也被内核映像数据段中的“过程链接表”进行了重定向。
- The software can control the sampled data segment freely, the whole wave sequence is not necessary to sample avoiding to overstocking numerous useless data in the FIFO. 软件可随意控制要采集的数据段,而不必采集整个波列,因此不会造成很多无用数据的大量积压。
- The algorithm firstly iterates in special data segment to fix on the linear area, then expands the area to both ends, and finally gets the longest linear area. 本文根据激光雷达水平测量数据的特点,提出了一种迭代扩展算法确定水平测量数据的线性区,并进而反演水平能见度。
- BDGP Broadcasting Data packet Grouping Protocol 广播数据包分组协议
- The data segments must be reassembled after all the data is received. 在所有的资料被接收后,资料区段必须重组。
- A systematic scheme is proposed to automatically extract geometric surface features from a point cloud composed of a set of unorganized three-dimensional coordinate points by data segmentation. 给出了数据分块系统性方案,即从仅含有三维坐标的散乱的点云中自动提取几何曲面特性。
- RBDS Radio Broadcast Data System 无线电广播数据系统
- intelligence broadcast data link 情报广播数据链