- How beautiful the bronze wares are! 大牛:这里的青铜器真精美!
- The bronze wares include vessels, weapons, chariots and so on. 这些青铜器包括器具、武器和战车等。
- In
there's exhaustive expatiation. 中国古代青铜器一书中有最为详尽的阐述。 - The Simuwu Rectangle Ding is China's biggest piece of bronze ware. 我国最大的青铜器是司母戊大方鼎。
- The Simuwu Great Tripod is China's biggest piece of bronze ware. 我国最大的青铜器是司母戊大方鼎。
- Bronze wares included: weapons, production tools, Life utensils, music instruments, ornaments and so on. 青铜器种类:兵器、生产工具、生活用具、乐器、装饰品等等。
- Bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics unearthed from the ruins. 青铜器是殷墟出土的另外一批重要的文物。
- The Yin Ruins is famous for the oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty. 殷墟因甲骨文、青铜器和商朝古都而闻名。
- Bronze wares: Bronze Rong(4 pieces), axes, sickles, hooks, chisels,awls, needles, bracelets etc. 青铜器物:铜戎(4件)、斧、镰、钩、凿、锥、针、镯以及铸造青铜器的模具等。
- This paper deals with the bronze wares of Zhou Dynasty excavated inthe regions of Wuyue and Baiyue . 本论文研究内容为吴越和百越地区出土的周代青铜器,全文共分七个部分。
- Quite a few of the bronze wares were found during the state construction and field rebuilding. 国家建设和农田水利建设也发现了众多的青铜器文物。
- The museum made some replicative bronze wares according to its collection and displayed them to public recently. 据悉,安徽省博物馆根据自己的馆藏,成功仿制出一批高仿真青铜器,并对外展出。
- Through excavation, dress and study of the bronze wares, the achievement clearly suggests that Yunnan bronze wares truely reflect a vivid figure of ancient Dian Kingdom. 上述青铜器的发掘、整理、研究,从其成果不难看出,云南青铜器真实地反映出一个鲜活的古滇王国形象。
- Historical relics on Neolith Era and Hemudu Sites is the origination of Chinese civilization. Bronze Wares on Xia, shang, Zhou Dynasty incarnate the most ancient dynasty. 新石器时代文物,河姆渡文化遗址是中华五千年文明的起源,夏商周时期的青铜器,是最早王朝的浓缩。
- The use of green bamboo, red plum blossom, antique potteries and bronze wares make simple and tranquil space shed special oriental culture. 绿竹、红梅、古陶、青铜器等元素的植入,使简约、宁静的空间弥漫出东方特有的人文气息;
- In the following, I'll introduce a few pieces of Yunnan bronze wares to help you understand something about Yunnan bronze wares. 下面我向各位介绍几件云南青铜器精品,以便让大家对古滇王国有所了解。
- This exhibition shows you hundreds of pieces of bronze ware of the West Zhou and Warring States periods. 这个展览为你们展现了几百件西周和战国时期的青铜器。
- The unearthed relics are: bronze wares, iron wares, jade wares, stone wares, pot ware,lacquer ware, bamboo wares, agate etc. 出土文物计有:青铜器、铁器、玉器、石器、陶器、漆器、竹木器、玛瑙等。
- Upstairs is a heritage museum, on display are ancient pottery, bronze ware, porcelain, for tourist visits. 楼上是文物展室,陈列有古陶、青铜器、瓷器,供游客参观。
- In this period of time, our ancestors began to use pottery and bronze ware, and evolved their ways of living from hunting and fishing to farming. 中华民族的文明史大约是从这时开始的。这个时代的特点是人们从使用石器到发明制造陶器和铜器;从捕鱼狩猎到农业耕种