- brooklet anemone root or herb 虎掌草
- smallflower anemone root or herb 破牛藤
- Subshrubs, vines, or herbs perennial, with tuberous roots or creeping rhizomes. 半灌木,藤本植物,或者多年生草本,带有块茎状的根或者匍匐的根茎。
- brooklet astilbe root or herb 野高梁
- narrowleaf rockvine root or herb 五爪金龙(中药)
- shady jerusalemsage root or herb 糙苏
- alligator alternanthera root or herb 空心苋
- trifoliate jewelvine root or herb 鱼藤
- false-yellowflower milkwort root or herb 黄花倒水莲
- starflowerlike loosestrife root or herb 追风伞
- Chinese ladiestresses root or herb 盘龙参
- Chinese sealavender root or herb 匙叶草
- clethra loosestrife root or herb 珍珠叶
- common physochlaina root or herb 泡囊草
- Either Eve or Herb has been invited. 伊夫和赫伯都被邀请了。
- You must enter the root or host server name. 您必须输入根目录或主持服务器名称。
- Some plants have neither root or leafage. 有些植物既无根又无叶。
- A green vegetable or herb used in salad, especially lettuce. 沙拉蔬菜:沙拉中使用的绿色蔬菜或食用植物,尤指莴苣。
- Radix sen Herba Pedicularis Re-supinatae Resupinate Woodbetony Root or Herb 根或全草
- Radix seu Herba Cynanchi Paniculati Paniculate Swallowwort Root or Herb 根及根茎或全草