- The machine guns were brought into play. 这些机关枪都动用了。
- All kinds of forces are brought into play when a nation's vital interests are threatened. 当一个国家的切身利益受到威胁时,它就会动用一切力量。
- I should bring into play my talent too. 做首诗吧。
- Okay. "Fahui" means to bring into play , or show. 王渊源:那好啊。“发挥”就是把内在的性质和能力表现出来。
- Both central and local initiative should be brought into play. 发挥中央和地方两个积极性。
- Once again the threat of outright war was brought into play. 公然的战争威胁再次显露出来。
- Who knows what details may be brought into play when the talks begin? 谈判一开始,谁知道什么细节会起作用?
- It cannot be brought into play if there is not enough democracy in Party life. 党内缺乏民主生活,发挥积极性的目的就不能达到。
- For finite-dimensional spaces determinants can be brought into play. 在有限维空间中可以运用行列式。
- It was only when the reserves were brought into play that the battle turned in our favour. 只有当使用了预备队时,战斗才变得对我们有利。
- Under such circumstances,how can our work be done well? And how can the initiative of the masses be brought into play? 全部由上面包起来,怎么能搞好工作,调动积极性?
- A real genius possesses talents in many aspects, but they are brought into play only by chance and in a single field. 真正的天才具有多方面的才能,只是处于偶然而仅在单一的领域中得到施展。
- Under such circumstances, how can our work be done well? And how can the initiative of the masses be brought into play? 全部由上面包起来,怎么能搞好工作,调动积极性?
- That is to say, the whole draining and water drawing function is brought into play secretly without the witness of us. 也就是说,整个排涝引水功能是在我们肉眼看不见的情况下,悄然地发挥着功效的。
- The game proceeds in several successive sieges (phases of the game) during which victory cards are brought into play. 这个游戏的进行是数个连续性的围攻(游戏的场面),其中将会使用胜利卡。
- Without smoothening this relation, the initiative of different parts of the employee can not be brought into play. 金华造漆厂股份制改造经过五年来运作,取得了明显成效;
- As a matter of fact, my work is fun. And I want to bring into play all the experience I've had. 事实上,我的工作就是娱乐。而且我要利用我所有的经验。
- This brings into play the enthusiasm of the laboring masses and at the same time prevents polarization. 这既调动了广大劳动者的积极性,又防止了两极分化。
- He has the ability to deal with occasional events flexibly, and make everyone bring into play their talents. 他拥有灵活处理突发事件的能力,而且想方设法让每一个队员充分展示自身才能。
- The Island of Poems! Now that I am on the Island of Poems, I should bring into play my talent too. 王渊源:诗之岛!既然来到了诗之岛,我怎么也得发挥一下我的特长。