- Von Arnim was brought through Algiers on his way to captivity. 阿纳姆被送往俘虏营途经阿尔及尔。
- Von Arnim was brought through Algiers on his way to captivity . 阿纳姆被送往俘虏营途经阿尔及尔。
- All available means havebeen adopted to bring through the badly-burnt person. 采取了一切可能的措施来拯救这位严重烧伤的病人。
- High pressure air is brought through the strut and simulates the engine air flow. 高压空气通过支板引入并模拟了发动机的气流。
- New forces had to be brought through Hungary from the north. All had to be improvised. 必须从北方假道匈牙利调派新的部队。一切都需要临时筹措。
- Success is grasped by ourselves, it can be brought through our postnatal efforts. 成功都是掌握在自己手中,可以通过后天努力带来。
- To avoid press notice he had been taken into the Treasury building across the street from the White House and brought through a connecting tunnel which few knew existed. 为了避开新闻界的注意,他被带进白宫对面的财政部大楼,然后经由一条鲜为人知的地道进入白宫。
- Ashtar: It is an accumulation of the lifetimes, solidified into the present incarnation with reminders brought through in the night. 阿斯塔:它是一生的积累,凝聚进入目前的化身而将暗示带进晚上。
- Now the urethral tissue has been trimmed, and has been brought through the lower incision in the vulva, creating the new urethral meatus. 现在尿道的组织已经修整好,并且从会阴上较低的那个开口拉出来,开辟成一个新的泌尿管道。
- A loop of bowel (the colon in colostomy and the ileum in ileostomy) is cut and the end brought through to the abdominal surface. 暂时性结肠造口术与迴肠造口术一般进行如下:将一段肠襻提近腹壁,将肠切断,使两端开口均通向体外。
- Now the urethral ti ue has been trimmed, and has been brought through the lower incision in the vulva, creating the new urethral meatus. 现在尿道的组织已经修整好,并且从会阴上较低的那个开口拉出来,开辟成一个新的泌尿管道。
- Quad tones are being defined now in each article the Mineral Kingdom has and shall bring through in this section, including this article. 现在四音调将在矿石王国通过此栏目带来的每一篇文章中解释,包括这篇文章。
- I don't identify with the priests yet I honor them for they bring through what they were taught and what they feel is the right thing. 我不认为与牧师有关系,然而我尊敬他们,因为他们通过他们的教导带来和带来他们感觉正确的事物。
- I truly appreciate all of those who channel my energy as they bring through the love and the Light in ways that I truly identify with. 我真正感激通灵引导我能量的所有那些人,正如他们通过光与爱的方式带来我真正认可的一切。
- When a survivor is brought through, the soldiers cheer, and when yet another stretcher comes through with a corpse there are disappointed murmurs and sad comments. 每当有生还者被送回来,战士们都会欢欣鼓舞,但每当担架抬回来的只是一具尸体时,他们就会失望地低语流露出哀伤的神情。
- United have mapped out their future and are banking on their youth and academy system to bring through the best in homegrown and foreign talent. 俱乐部已经为未来制定出了蓝图,并且正在引进本土和国外的青年才俊来积蓄青训系统的实力。
- John Payne is a gifted trance channeler who brings through a wise, witty and informative guide Omni. 约翰·佩恩是一个天才的出神灵媒,他带给我们一个机智幽默、知识丰富的向导欧姆尼。
- Ironhide, Brawn, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Windcharger, Reflector, Straxus and Sunstrom are returned to life, their sparks brought through time and directed to new bodies built on Nebulos. 铁皮,大汉,救护车,千斤顶,充电器,照相机三兄弟,斯塔萨斯与太阳风死而复生,众人之火种穿越时空,注入到新身体内。
- That brought discredit on his name. 那件事使他的名誉受损。
- He brought the box of groceries in from the car. 他把一盒食品从汽车上拿进来。