- brown lateritic soil 棕色砖红壤性土壤
- reddish brown laterite soil 红棕色砖红壤性土
- In the region of lateritic soil, those except Ammonium Sulphate do not actually incerase the yield in the second crop. 5.赭土地区除硫酸铵外,第二期作概无增收。
- So the higher temperature resistance for the three soil types was in the sequence of dry red soil, lateritic red soil and lateritic soil. 综合3种配方在高温期间的生理指标变化情况,其耐高温能力由强到弱依次为:燥红壤、赤红壤、砖红壤。
- Leaching leads to the formation of podsolized and lateritic soils. 淋洗作用使得土壤灰壤化和红土化。
- There were two kinds of soil used in this study, lateritic soil and yellow soil, and were collected from northern Taiwan.The soil was remolded in a test box. 冲蚀试验采用台湾北部地区的红壤及黄壤土,重模于冲蚀试验箱,并分别利用天然卵石及人造水泥圆球铺放在土壤表面模拟石块覆盖。
- Dave T.T.Chang, W.H.Pern, C.C.Huang(1990), "The Study of Fly Ash Stabilization on Lateritic Soil in Taiwan ,"Tenth Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, 16-20 April, 1990, Taipei. 高祥生,(民国75年),"利用飞灰及炉石改良黏土的工程性质研究",私立淡江大学土木工程研究所硕士论文。
- The experimental results show that, soil structure of the compacted lateritic soils prepared at different initial water contents is different. 试验结果显示,夯实红土之土壤组构会随不同初始含水量而不同。
- The lateritic soils from coastal area of Zhejiang are studied to find the distribution of various bound phosp horus and their sensiitivity to acidity. 通过考察和对浙江沿海地区红壤研究,明确了各种状态磷的分布状况以及它们对酸的敏感性。
- Keywords Lateritic soil gold deposit;Umber cap;Manaoshan; 红土型金矿;铁锰帽;玛瑙山;
- However for P supply, DAP was found superior source and rock phosphate tended to be equally effective source of P in acid laterite soil. 不过对于磷素供应来说,磷酸二铵是最好的来源,磷矿粉在酸性红壤土上同样有效。
- Mr. Robert Brown was announced as the sponsor. 罗勃特·布朗先生被宣布为赞助人。
- Do you know why Mr Brown has a heavy heart? 你知道为什么布朗先生心情不愉快吗?
- The girl was dressed in brown from top to toe. 那女孩从头到脚穿着一身棕色的衣服。
- Mrs Brown is known as a social climber. 布朗太太是有名的趋炎附势的人。
- This hen lays beautiful brown eggs. 这只母鸡下很漂亮的棕色蛋。
- The linnet is a small brown songbird. 红雀是一种棕色会叫的小鸟。
- I wrap the book in brown paper before I mail it. 我先把书用牛皮纸包好,然後邮寄。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- Two brown loaves and one large white one, please. 请拿两个黑面包和一个大的白面包。