- brush painted decoration 点画花
- The First Underglaze Painted Decoration at Sawankhalok - identification of a key influence? =Sawankhalok地区首次出现的釉下彩绘:泰国陶瓷发展史上外来影响的重要线索?
- A willow is a brush painting spring scenery. 一株柳树,是一支描绘春天的彩笔。
- Also, hidden in waterproof paint decoration materials such as benzene are also object of a deadly human archenemy. 另外,隐藏在防水涂料等装修材料中的苯系物也是人类的一个致命大敌。
- Greek pottery:Pottery made in ancient Greece. Its painted decoration has become the primary source of information about the development of Greek pictorial art. 希腊陶器: 古代希腊制造的陶瓷,陶器上的图饰成为了解希腊绘画艺术发展过程的主要来源。
- Anaglyph product surface does not have damaged, clean and orderly, quality of a material is exquisite, feel is slicker, fruit of the aftereffect that brush paint is better. 浮雕产品表面无破损,干净整洁、质地细腻,手感越光滑,刷漆后效果越好。
- At present the wallpaper of on the market 90% is OK direct and stickup, and a kind of peculiar wall paper that brush paint lands China recently. 目前市场上90%25的壁纸都是可以直接粘贴的,而最近一种奇异的刷漆墙纸登陆中国。
- The carpentry such as the furniture that makes with its wants a course to use gooey board and brush paint two working procedure, accordingly cost wants a few taller. 用其制作的家具等木器要经过用胶粘板和刷漆两道工序,因此造价要高一些。
- Brush the first layer when brushing paint the same direction, then wake neat. 刷第一层底漆时涂刷方向应该一致,接搓整齐。
- The carpentry such as the furniture that makes with its wants a course to use gooey board and brush paint two working procedure, cost wants a few taller. 用其制作的家具等木器要经过用胶粘板和刷漆两道工序,造价要高一些。
- And manual wood door and many use greatly core board and three-ply board are made, paint uses the spot to brush paint, very difficult (impossible even) the level that reachs machine. 而手工木门及套多采用大芯板及三合板制作,油漆采用现场刷漆,很难(甚至不可能)达到机械的水平。
- House is brushing paint. 房子正在刷油漆。
- Every detail of the Acropolis, its masonry, sculptures and painted decorations were to be the finest ever created. 雅典卫城在每一处细节上,无论石匠技术、雕刻艺术,还是绘画装饰,都是前无古人的精美绝伦。
- Mind that brush, you're splashing the floor paint. 小心点拿那刷子,你都把地板溅上了油漆。
- She took courses in Chinese brush painting and calligraphy at the university of Hong Kong. 自幼喜爱书画,曾于香港大学校外课程部学习国画及书法。
- Brush painting, the invention of the painting is an important milestone in the history. 内画毛笔的发明,是内画艺术史上一个重要的里程碑。
- The thesis discusses the painting style of Tanka during this period from the perspectives of themes, composition, plastic form and painting decoration and summarizes the painting style. 本文从绘画的题材、构成、造像、画面装饰等角度论述了此时期唐卡绘画的风格特点,并对绘画风格作了总结。
- A painted or printed decoration applied over a glaze. 釉上彩绘画在或印在釉上的装饰物
- Chinese brush painting can be classified into three main categories: landscape painting, bird and flower painting, and figure painting. 国画分为三大类:风景画、花鸟画和人物画。
- She started Chinese brush painting lessons as a hobby with Margaret Chinn and is currently a student of Professor Su-Sing Chow since 1996. 以绘画自娱,师从侯晏然女士,1996年再随周士心教授习画,2006年随陈蕴化老师学习岭南画艺。