- Gases from deep in the earth bubble up through the lake. 地下深处的气体从湖底冒了出来。
- Add the white wine and let it bubble up. 加入白葡萄酒,让它产生泡沫。
- To bubble up, especially from the effect of heating. 沸腾往上冒泡,尤指在加热的驱使下。
- They bubble up in slow motion out of the unconscious. 它们以慢动作像泡沫一样在无意识中升起。
- It better not be a Fanta or a Sprite or a Bubble UP or a 7UP. 不是这么说的,是要主题本身要带有那几个文件夹的图标!
- To escape from a liquid as bubbles;bubble up. 泡腾从液体中溢出气泡;冒泡
- To escape from a liquid as bubbles; bubble up. 泡腾从液体中溢出气泡;冒泡
- The 000 activity typically has unhandled exceptions that bubble up to the user. 000活动通常具有最终归因于用户的未处理异常。
- The question never bubbled up again. 这个问题没有再冒出来过。
- Clear water bubbled up from among the rocks. 清澈的水自岩石间潺潺地涌出。
- Water bubbled up through the sand. 水渗过泥沙冒了出来。
- Gases bubbled up from the earth. 气体从地下冒了出来。
- I feel the rapture bubbling up once more. 我又一次血液沸腾、欣喜若狂。
- Methane Bubbling Up From Undersea Permafrost? 甲烷从海底永冻层带冒出?
- Little tadpoles and efts began to bubble up through the water, and to race along beneath it. 小小的蝌蚪和水蜥蜴,都开始在水面儿上吐泡儿,在水里面角逐。
- Look! The warm gases are bubbling up through the water! 瞧,热气体正从水中冒出气泡呢!
- Love to enjoy the spirit of the human-specific, enjoy the core thoughts and feelings. Feelings bubble up, is about out. 恋爱是人类专有的精神享受,享受的核心是思想情感。感情是泡出来的,是谈出来的。
- Each time the thing would back off, two or three smaller orbs would bubble up and out of the shaft. 每次他掉回去都有三两个小号的圆球冒出来钻出竖井。
- The square was a sea of people and a hubbub of voices bubbled up. 广场上人山人海,人声鼎沸。
- Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether or not the current event should bubble up the hierarchy of event handlers. 设置或获取当前事件是否要在事件句柄中向上冒泡。