- buccolinguofacial dyskinesia 颊舌面运动障碍
- Dyskinesia was not increased in ZNS groups. 运动障碍的出现在ZNS组中并未增加。
- You may hae heard the term "tardie dyskinesia. 你可能听说过“迟发性运动障碍”。
- L dopa induced dyskinesia may disappear or be improved after PVP. 苍白球腹后部切开术使异动症得到了根本的缓解或消除,从而允许左旋多巴发挥最大的功效而无严重的副作用。
- Tardive dyskinesia also is mentioned as a possible complication. 迟发性运动障碍也作为可能的并发症被写入其中。
- People with dyskinesia (dispraxic) can have trouble making friends. 患有运动障碍的人可能无法交到朋友。
- People with dyskinesia (dispraxic) may even have trouble speaking. 患有运动障碍的患者甚至可能存在说话困难。
- We developed an experimental animal model of tardive dyskinesia simply by treating rats with neuroleptics. 我们仅仅通过对大鼠施用神经松驰剂,就搞出了一个迟发性运动障碍的实验动物模型。
- The study also found that "on" time without dyskinesia after awakening was more than doubled in the two rotigotine groups compared with placebo. 本研究也发现唤醒后没有运动障碍的缓解期两种目标剂量的罗替戈汀组比安慰剂组长两倍多。
- A diagnosis of probable reaction to cyclizine causing a lingual-facial-buccal dyskinesia was made. 诊断考虑可能为赛克利嗪引起的舌--颊部运动障碍。
- Results:None of them recurred after the surgical removal except some of the sensory deficit and dyskinesia. 结果:手术切除肿瘤后未见复发,但遗留有病变神经根部分感觉与运动功能障碍。
- Long-term chronic use, however, is associated with tardive dyskinesia, a movement disorder. 但是,长期服用会导致迟缓性运动障碍。
- Objective: To observe the recovery effect of early intervention on dyskinesia after acute cerebral apoplexy. 目的观察急性脑卒中后肢体运动障碍的早期康复效果。
- Finally, at age 14 the doctor's determined that I had Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD). 最后,14岁时,医生断定我患了原纤毛运动障碍症(PCD)。
- Tardive dyskinesia causes involuntary, repetitive movement of the limbs and lip smacking, grimacing and other symptoms that can be permanent. 迟发性运动障碍导致肢体不自主的节律性重复运动、颌部咀嚼运动、撅嘴以及其他可能的永久性症状。
- Objective: To observe the clinical features and imaging changes of Paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia (PKD) and to explore its pathogenesy. 摘要目的:观察发作性运动诱发性运动障碍(PKD)的临床特征及影像学改变,探讨其发病机制。
- XSPWS can increase regulation and stability of EGG in patients with dyskinesia - like FD. It can also improve the function of gastric motility. 香砂平胃散可使运动障碍样FD患者胃电规律性及稳定性增加,能改善胃排空功能。
- The result showed a stable improvement for dyskinesia.Conclusions L-dopa induced dyskinesia may disappear or be improved after PVP. 对17例术后3个月以上患者随访结果显示,手术对侧异动症完全消失,手术疗效稳定。
- Even the most feared side effect of first-generation drugs, tardive dyskinesia, seems less troubling than potentially fatal metabolic problems. 甚至第一代药物最令人畏惧的副作用迟发性运动障碍似乎比潜在的致命性代谢问题引起的麻烦更少一些。
- As the disease progresses and the drug becomes less effective, doses are increased and can produce more dyskinesia, loss of controlled movement. 随着病情的进展,药物的作用就会减弱,则需要增加剂量但同时会产生更严重的运动障碍,失去对运动的控制。