- After processing grinding buckwheat, buckwheat noodles become. 荞麦经过加工磨制,成为荞面。
- Hele buckwheat noodles, with China's characteristics of the local flavor snack. 荞面饸饹,是我国具有地方特色的风味小吃。
- TEMPURA IN SOUP SPECIALS, selected items in a fluffy batter dropped in a hearty broth with udon or buckwheat noodles. 特色天妇罗面,将面花放入丰盛的乌冬面或荞麦面中,为您奉献一份精选美食。
- "Mountain" is of Niecheng buckwheat noodles cooked with a steeple symbols of the cylinder. “山神”是用熟荞麦面捏成的一个尖顶圆柱体的象征物。
- Boil buckwheat noodles until ready to eat. Drain and rinse with cold water. Put into a big bowl. 碗里放入汤料、蜂蜜、芝麻酱、醋、芝麻油、酱油和大蒜,搅拌好,放在一边待用。
- Hele buckwheat noodles are buckwheat noodles to suppress a long strip of pasta round. 荞面饸饹是用荞麦面压制的一种细长的圆条形面食。
- Tempura is also used in combination with other foods.When served over soba (buckwheat noodles), it is called tempura soba or tensoba. 日式天妇罗传统上的裹上淀粉浆的油炸海产或是蔬菜,现在已是最能为世界各国一般人接受的日本食品。
- Buckwheat noodles Buckwheat noodles or soba is also a typical Japanese dish.There are some people that eat soba at least once a day. 据说寿司本来是给观看歌舞伎的人在幕间休息时吃的小点心。
- Buckwheat noodles are diabetes, high blood pressure patients of food, its treatment of these two diseases, there is a very good effect. 荞面是糖尿病患者、高血压病患者的佳肴,它对治疗这两种病症,有很好的疗效。
- Up group is a popular home for a long time meal to the most common college stir cornmeal, buckwheat noodles stir both groups, corporations and other formsza mian up. 搅团是流传已久的一种家常饭,以玉米面搅团最为常见,兼有荞麦面搅团、杂面搅团等多种形式。
- The Promise of people talking about the subject, from top to bottom, old and young are proud of thumb out, said: buckwheat noodles Hele, The Promise is our specialty. 无极人说起这个话题,上上下下、老老少少都会伸出大拇指扬眉吐气的说:荞面饸饹,那是我们无极的特产。
- Buckwheat noodles, wheat noodles, pasta or薯干surface, such as sorghum, Yu-doped surface and face, put up on the bed where pressure into strips to the pot boiling water, pouring brine consumption. 荞麦面、小麦面、薯干面或高梁面等,掺榆皮面和面,放置于床里压成条状至开水锅内,浇卤食用。
- At the same time, they want people or big enterprises with cooperation and common development of the buckwheat noodles Hele-style products, please contact those who wish to contact the manufacturers. 同时,他们希望有识之士或有实力的大企业与之合作,共同开发荞面饸饹这一风味特产,有意者请与厂家联系。
- Enema are used buckwheat noodle processing production. 灌肠是用荞面加工制作的。
- The productive prescription and technology of tartary buckwheat noodle was studied. 对苦荞麦挂面工业化生产的配方和工艺进行了研究。
- The farmers planted some buckwheat in the fields. 农民们在田里种上荞麦。
- Chinese food is often served with rice or noodles. 中餐常有米饭或面条。
- I'll plump for noodles rather than buns. 我要吃面条而不要吃馒头。
- He put some vinegar in the noodles. 他在面条里放了些醋。