- Would you like buffet dinner or normal dinner,sir? 您想以自助餐形式还是以普通晚宴形式呢?
- Have you ever been to a buffet dinner? 你去吃过自助餐吗?
- At the buffet dinner, English is used all around. 今天的午餐是自助式的。在餐厅大家也说英语。
- Treat yourself to a sumptuous seafood buffet dinner! 诚邀您享受豪华海鲜自助晚,餐品尝更多海味。
- Mira:John,have you been to a buffet dinner here yet? 约翰,有你是到一个自助餐晚餐这里仍然?
- At present, it is popular among hotels to hold buffet dinner parties. 现在许多酒店都流行办自助餐晚宴。
- Mira:Yes,I go to brunch every Sunday,and the same place also has a buffet dinner. 是啊;每星期天早午饭合吃;那儿也有自助餐.
- On Sunday night , we will prepare buffet dinner, salad bar, cold drinks, juice, hot coffee, punch, and many other dainties for you. 星期日晚上,我们将为您准备自助晚餐、沙拉吧、冷饮、果汁、热咖啡、鸡尾酒还有多样美食。
- After the meeting, we will all adjourn to the Rose Room of this hotel for a buffet dinner. 开完会后,我们将休会,到本饭店玫瑰厅的自助餐厅用晚餐。
- The will include seminars, and is fully catered for with a bar serving beverages and a exquisite buffet dinner. 晚宴上我们将盛情款待各位贵宾精美的自助餐及酒水饮料。
- Conference arranges a welcome banquet dinner on September 11 and buffet dinner on September 12-15. 会议负责安排12日-15日用餐,11日晚为欢迎晚宴(所有代表及嘉宾),其余为自助餐
- We had this buffet dinner at Island Shangalira Hotel. I seriously hope that my husband did enjoy that evening. 希望丈夫对那晚在港岛香格里拉酒店吃自助餐觉得满意吧。
- This hotel can accommodate special guests with a free buffet dinner during holidays. 这家酒店在假日期间可用免费自助餐来招待特殊顾客。
- Chinese people always have dinner together around the table, but western people usually have their own dinner or have a buffet dinner. 中国人往往一家人围坐在桌边,对着饭菜各取所需;而西方人则事先将食物分成小份,每人一份,各吃各的,互不相干。
- Guildline: A Only employes themselves are entitled to have full buffet dinner including one soft drink in the hotel ka fei ting without charge. 在咖啡厅,仅当月生日员工本人有权免费享用全套自助餐包括软饮。
- On 15th Jan, in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebration, a few church members treated the whole MTS community to a buffet dinner in Kingwood Hotel. 数位爱主的会友趁新春佳节邀请全体讲师、学生及工作人员们到晶木酒店享用丰富晚餐。当晚,各班学生及讲师们呈现精彩节目使年宴增添不少新年的气氛。
- Provided the consumption sum of the reference hall over RMB***, a buffet dinner in Indian dining-room would be presented. 如会议厅消费达到人民币***元以上,即可赠送本酒店印度餐厅自助餐一份。
- On the evening of 12th December, we will prepare a rich buffet dinner for you, including beer, coco cola and a variety of soft drinks. 12月月12日晚上我们将准备丰盛的自助晚餐等候您的光临,我们还备有啤酒、可乐、各式饮料等等。
- Lunar Chuqi July, a "still life goods - Tanabata night buffet dinner party" will be friends to each other large Chinese Hotel in Guangzhou held. 农历七月初七,一场名为“尚品生活--七夕之夜自助晚餐派对”的大型相亲交友会将在广州华夏大酒店举行。
- The buffet dinner was delicate and various in kind, such as chicken, ducks, fishes, shrimps and shellfishes, which were cooked in different methods. 自助餐制作精美,品种繁多。