- The little boy is piling up his building blocks. 小男孩正在搭积木。
- The child entertained himself with his building blocks. 孩子在搭积木玩。
- They began by building blocks of flats for workers. 他们先给工人盖一片片的住宅。
- Single words are the building blocks of language. 单词是语言结构的基本单位。
- Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. 胺基酸是蛋白质的基本成分
- Children are playing building blocks. 孩子们正在玩积木。
- Are the basic building blocks of an OWL ontology. 是OWL存在论的基本构建块。
- I am putting up building blocks. 我在搭积木。
- The little boy was piling up his building blocks. 这个小男孩正在堆他的积木。
- Sarah is stacking her building blocks. 莎拉在玩她的堆叠积木。
- The two children fell out when playing with the building blocks. 这两个孩子在玩积木时吵了起来。
- Youth and health are the building blocks of success. 年轻和健康是成功的基础。
- Garbage can also be a good source for making building blocks. 垃圾也可以是制造建筑砌块的好原料。
- Cancer begins in cells, the building blocks that make up tissues. 癌症是从构成组织的细胞开始发生。
- The children are having a lot of fun with the building blocks. 孩子们玩堆积木正玩得很开心呢。
- The children were having a lot of fun with the building blocks. 孩子们玩搭积木玩得很开心。
- These are the building blocks of a Java-based Ajax Web application. 这些是基于Java的Ajax Web应用程式的构造块。
- These building blocks provide much of the grid infrastructure. 这些构造块提供了网格基础设施的大部分内容。
- Work streams are the simple building blocks of the process. 工作流是过程的简单生成块。
- Web Parts are the basic building blocks of a Web Part Page. Web部件是Web部件页的基本结构块。