- Beijing Mylch Building Products Co., Ltd. 北京美驰建筑材料有限责任公司。
- York Building Products Company Inc. 美国约克建筑产品公司。
- Shanghai MYLCH Building Products Co., Ltd. 上海美驰建材工贸有限公司。
- Shanghai King New Building Products Co., Ltd. 上海凯庭新型建材有限公司
- Broan Building Products Co., Ltd. 百朗楼宇电气用品有限公司
- Dongguan Casero Building Products Ltd. 东莞卡西奥建材有限公司
- Make the records and the documentation to build product files from the samples. 制作样品记录以及相关技术资料的建档存档工作。
- Due to the export focus of the Chinese solar industry, there has been far less emphasis on building production capacity on BOS components. 由于中国太阳能产业的出口重点在电池板上,对平衡部件生产能力的重视一向小很多。
- Production controlment is used to collect unit’s data and build production journal. 生产调度模块用来汇总各单位数据,生成本日生产日报;
- Building products manufacturing of structural steelwork. 建筑钢结构产品制造。
- This Individualization theme also helps you build productive teams. 年纪越大,开怀大笑的次数似乎越来越少。
- To build production workshops, warehouse, boiler room, to increase the floor space of 12140 square meters to construct a production capacity of 4000 tons of diacid annually. 新建生产车间、库房、锅炉房,新增厂房等建筑面积12140平方米,建成年产4000吨癸二酸生产能力。
- At least 3 years of Aluminium building products experience on estimations. 从事铝合金建筑产品工作至少3年。
- On July 2, 2004, Liebherr began to operate a newly built production plant in Dalian, China. 2004年7月2日,利勃海尔于中国大连新建的一家工厂投入运行。
- At a newly built production plant in Dalian, China, Liebherr has begun to build hydraulic excavators for the Chinese market. 利勃海尔已经开始在中国大连的一个新建工厂内为中国市场生产液压挖掘机。
- Yes, advertising can help build product recognition, but the product itself builds image. 是的。广告虽能帮助识别产品,但是产品本身就能树起形象。
- This method adopts module design idea,divides product into module according to function and builds product platform with module. 该方法采用模块设计思想,将产品按照功能划分模块,用模块来构建产品平台。
- He subdivided the farm into building lots. 他把农地再分为若干块的建筑用地。
- The lubricious glair adornment that builds product of wholesome pottery and porcelain tends rich and colorful, adoption painty sort is increasing also. 建筑卫生陶瓷产品的色釉装饰趋于丰富多彩,采用的颜料种类也越来越多。
- Ocuses on expanded polystyrene insulation and building products for construction and industry. 主要为建筑业提供可发性聚苯乙烯保温产品及建材。