- building industry market 建筑市场
- China Ship Building Industry Corporation. 中国船舶重工业集团公司。
- Chongqing Ship Building Industry Corp. 重庆船舶工业公司。
- Inflation knocked up much of the building industry in the U. S. 通货膨胀使美国许多建筑行业遭到破坏。
- Industry Market rescearch and useful market information collecting. 行业市场调查,收集有用的市场信息。
- Special efforts were also made to target wrongdoings in cultural activities, tourism, the building industry, rural market fairs and production safety. 对文化、旅游、建筑、集贸等市场和安全生产秩序进行专项整治。
- Things are looking grim for workers in the building industry. 对建筑业的工人来说形势看来很不乐观。
- There was hardly any machine building industry then. 那时候几乎没有什么机器制造业。
- Ordinary workers in the building industry earn meager salaries. 从事建筑业的工人收入微薄。
- "Pasadena" with a view to gaining an independent image of the industry market. 帕萨迪纳"以期一种独立的行业形象来赢得市场。
- The machine building industry reacted upon the coal industry considerably. 机器制造业对煤炭工业产生很大影响。
- The council is a nonprofit organization made up of building industry leaders. 该委员会是个非营利性组织,由建筑业的领导者们组成。
- The building industry is experiencing a severe downturn in its workload. 建筑业正经历工程量的严重滑坡。
- It is an acknowledged fact that the competition is fierce gradually among hotel industry market. 酒店行业市场竞争的日趋激烈,是业内人士普遍认同的一个事实。
- The building scheme comes as an enormous boon for the building industry. 该建筑方案为建筑业带来巨大的好处。
- Industry ce ntralization is the developing trend in international industry market. 产业集中化是当前国际产业市场的发展趋势。
- The government should build emulative market environment, execute make oriented capital attraction strategy with industrial market. 政府要营造竞争性的市场环境,实行以产业集成为导向的招商引资策略。
- In old China,there was hardly any machine- building industry,to say nothing of automobile and aviation industries. 旧中国几乎没有机器制造业,更不用说汽车制造业和飞机制造业了。
- The ship - building industry needs more than occasional injections of capital to set it back on its feet. 造船业需要不断投入资金才能恢复生机。
- Scherer,F.M.,Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance[M].1984,Boston,Houghton Mifflin Press. 东方高圣投资顾问公司编著.;中国并购评论[M]