- The user wants to bulk import data into the t_float table. 用户要将数据大容量导入t_float表中。
- If you want to perform a parallel bulk import in this case, do not use TABLOCK. 如果要在此情况下执行大容量并行导入,请不要使用TABLOCK。
- All three bulk import mechanisms support the parallel import of data. 三个大容量导入机制都支持并行导入数据。
- For more information about bulk loading in parallel, see Guidelines for Optimizing Bulk Import. 有关以并行方式大容量加载的详细信息,请参阅优化大容量导入指南。
- Then use one of the bulk import methods to import the data from the file to a table. 然后使用大容量导入方法之一将数据从文件导入到表中。
- To minimize blocking, you can specify a smaller batch size and use the ORDER hint to eliminate the sorting step during the bulk import operation. 为了尽可能减少阻塞,可以指定较小的批大小,并使用ORDER提示去掉大容量导入操作中的排序步骤。
- To work around this behavior in SQL Server 2005, use a format file to bulk import scientific notation float data into a decimal column. 若要在SQL Server 2005中实现此行为,请使用格式化文件将科学记数法float数据大容量导入小数列中。
- For more information about when a bulk import into a table is minimally logged, see Prerequisites for Minimal Logging in Bulk Import. 有关在何时对大容量导入表按最小方式进行记录的详细信息,请参阅在大容量导入中按最小方式记录日志的前提条件。
- The following example bulk imports the Department-c-t. Txt data file using a BULK INSERT statement that uses the qualifiers shown in the following table. 以下示例使用BULK INSERT语句大容量导入Department-c-t.;txt数据文件;该语句使用了下表中所示的限定符。
- The following examples demonstrate how to bulk export character data using bcp and bulk import the same data using BULK INSERT. 下列示例说明了如何使用bcp大容量导出字符数据以及如何使用BULK INSERT大容量导入相同的数据。
- If the table has any indexes, you can take advantage of BU locking by dropping all of the indexes before bulk import data. 如果表中带有索引,则可以在大容量导入数据之前删除所有的索引,以便利用BU锁定。
- You must be familiar with how to create an address rewrite entry before you try to use comma-separated value (CSV) files to perform bulk imports of address rewrite entries. 在尝试使用逗号分隔值(CSV)文件批量导入地址重写条目之前,必须熟悉如何创建地址重写条目。
- The following example uses bcp to bulk import data from the myTestFormatFiles-c.Dat data file into HumanResources. MyTestFormatFiles table in the AdventureWorks sample database. 下例使用bcp将myTestFormatFiles-c.;Dat数据文件中的数据大容量导入到AdventureWorks示例数据库的HumanResources
- The following example uses the OPENROWSET bulk rowset provider to bulk import data from the myDepartment-c.Dat file into the AdventureWorks.HumanResources. MyDepartment table. 下面的示例使用OPENROWSET大容量行集提供程序将数据从myDepartment-c.;Dat文件大容量导入到AdventureWorks
- If the table was nonempty before the bulk import operation, the cost of revalidating the constraint may exceed the cost of applying CHECK constraints to the incremental data. 如果在大容量导入操作之前表为非空状态,则重新验证约束的开销可能超过将CHECK约束应用于增量数据的开销。
- If the table was not empty before the bulk import operation, the cost of revalidating the constraint may exceed the cost of applying CHECK constraints to the incremental data. 如果在大容量导入操作之前表不为空,则重新验证约束的开销可能超过对增量数据应用CHECK约束的开销。
- Therefore, bulk importing data in parallel into an unindexed table is usually performed with TABLOCK. 因此,通常使用TABLOCK以并行方式将数据大容量导入无索引的表中。
- SQL Server allows data to be bulk imported into a single table from multiple clients in parallel. SQL Server允许将数据从多个客户端并行大容量导入到单个表。
- Forms of invalid data that could be bulk imported in earlier versions of SQL Server, might not load now. 无效数据的形式在SQL Server的早期版本中可以大容量导入,但现在可能无法加载。
- Create the native data file by bulk importing data from SQL Server using the bcp utility. 通过使用bcp实用工具从SQL Server大容量导入数据来创建本机数据文件。