- bulk solid products 整包固体产品
- However, in spite of many attempts, such a 'supersolid' phase has yet to be observed in bulk solid 4He. 但是现在,科学家们已在高压下在固体氦中观察到了存在“超级流动性”的证据。
- Analyses the stress distributing of bulk solid around the silo outlet, points out the reason of arc forming and the method of breaking arc. 对存仓排料口附近物料颗粒的应力分布情况进行了研究,分析其成拱的原因,并提出防止成拱及破除料拱的方法。
- Analyses the stress distributing of bulk solid around the silo outlet, points out the reason of are forming and the method of breaking are. 对存仓排料口附近物料颗粒的应力分布情况进行了研究,分析其成拱的原因,并提出防止成拱及破除料拱的方法。
- The density and repose angle of wooden bulk solids were tested. 测定了常规工艺条件下碎料的堆积密度和堆积角;
- The egg shell is calcined into powder,reacted with acidic juice,the mixture was dried into solid products. 鸡蛋壳经高温煅烧成蛋壳粉,再与酸性果汁进行中和反应,最后烘干得到固体果汁钙产品。
- The webs have been designed In bulk solid handling equipment like stacker,bucket wheel reclaimer,belt conveyors,shiploader,shipunloader. 请各位关注:本站将不定期推出具有实用性的斗轮堆取料机(斗轮机),皮带运输机(皮带机),装船机、卸船机的技术文章
- At lower temperatures, the resulting solid product (lime) can be carbonated, resulting in the recapture of CO2. 如果加热温度不够高时,所产生的固体产物(石灰)可能会发生碳化,可重新捕集二氧化碳。
- This paper calculates the silo s dynamic response when foundation moves, taking into account the effect of interaction between the bulk solid and the silo wall. 本文在计算地基运动时筒仓的动力响应时,考虑了仓内散粒体与仓壁的相互作用对其的影响。
- Appreareance: The liquid products are the slivery white metal, the solid products are the blue white metal, the surface have metallic luster. 外观:液态产品为银白色金属,固态产品为蓝白色金属,表面具有金属的光泽。
- Particularly it is suitable for producing powder, granule or block solid product from solution, emulsion, suspending liquid and pumped paste liquid. 最适用于从溶液、液、浮液和可泵性糊状液体原料中生成粉状、粒状或块状固体产品。
- The drying technology is most suitable for producing the powder or particle solid products from the materials, such as: solution, emulsion, soliquoid and pumpable paste states. 最适用于从溶液、乳液、悬浮液和糊状液体原料中生成粉状、颗粒状固体产品。
- The main component of liquid products is aromatic compounds with substituted functional group.The solid products mainly consist of carbon and fiberglas. 热解油主要成分是芳烃,含有苯的取代官能团,热解固体产物主要成分是碳和玻璃纤维。
- For the most from the solution, emulsion, suspension and pump the liquid paste of powdered raw materials generated, block or granular solid product. 最适用于从溶液、乳液、悬浮液和可泵性糊状液体原料中生成粉状、颗粒状或块状固体产品。
- Steel silos for the storage of bulk solids generally consist of a cylindrical vessel above a conical discharge hopper. 广泛应用于各类散料储存的钢筒仓结构通常由锥形漏斗和置于其上的圆柱形仓筒组成。
- Functional design of the bin u very imporatant for Storage alld flow of bulk solids. 料仓的功能设计对松散固体物料贮存及流动非常重要,目前国内还限于经验的方法。
- The aim of DMN, is to be the bulk solids component supplier to industry and systems companies world-wide. DMN的目标是成为世界范围的工业系统公司的粉体部件提供者.
- We introduce the world-advance ceramics kiln gas stove, processional equipment, and top-grade production craft, have solid product developing ability. 引进了当今世界陶瓷窑炉的先进技术、进的生产设备和一流的生产工艺,具有雄厚的产品开发能力。
- Biscuits, Ice-louy, Fruit pulpiness, Bread, Chocolates, Gummy kelt, Medicine, Jelly, Adhesive tape, Soaps, Instant noodle, Tissues, Tray, Adhesive tape, Soaps, Instant noodle, Tissues, Tray. Ets. And any kind of solid products. 饼干、冰棒、果冻、面包、巧克力、胶带、药品、香皂、速食面、面纸、零件、托盘等各种固型产品的包装。
- Biscuits, Ice-louy, Fruit pulpiness, Bread, Chocolates, Gummy kelt, Medicine, Jelly, Adhesive tape, Soaps, Instant noodle, Tissues, Tray, Adhesive tape, Soaps, Instant noodle, Tissues, Tray...ets. and any kind of solid products. 饼干、冰棒、果冻、面包、巧克力、胶带、药品、香皂、速食面、面纸、零件、托盘等各种固型产品的包装。