- The cart bumped along the rough road. 运货马车沿着崎岖不平的道路颠簸而行。
- The old bus bumped along the mountain road. 旧公共汽车沿著山路颠簸行驶。
- Bumped along slowly over the rocky terrain. 在多石地带缓慢地颠簸前进
- Trucks bump along its cracked and undulating surface, which is being ravaged by the freezing and thawing of the tundra beneath. 公路之下的冻土凝结又解冻,公路因此受到破坏,表面皲裂,起起伏伏,卡车沿路颠簸前行。
- The old van bumped along the rocky road. 那面包车在崎岖的道路上颠簸行驶。
- Some people catastrophes every bump along life's highway and anticipate the worst.Don't paralyze yourself by magnifying your fears of the unknown and the uncontrollable. 有些人将人生路上的每一处颠簸看成是大祸临头,而且认为自己会一直处于最恶劣的境况中。不要因夸大了自己对未知即不可控制的恐惧而瘫痪了自己。
- The jeep bumped along the dirt track. 吉普车在土路上颠簸着行驶。
- The old car bumped along the road. 那部老爷车在路上颠簸着行驶。
- The car bumped along the rough road. 汽车在高低不平的路上颠簸而行。
- The car bumped along the rough mountain road. 汽车在崎岖的山路上颠簸行驶。
- The car was bumping along on the road. 汽车在路上颠簸而行。
- The truck bumped along the dirt road. 卡车在土路上颠簸着前进。
- We bumped along the dusty for hours. 我们在尘土中颠簸了好几个小时。
- The jeep bumped along the rough mountain road. 吉普车在崎岖的山路上颠簸行驶。
- Those metal utensils are jingling as the car bumps along. 随着汽车的颠簸,那些金属器皿在玎珰作响。
- She tripped and went down with a bump. 她绊了一下,猛地跌倒在地上。
- He plaintively told a tale of boredom bumping along in the rut of routine. 他沉郁地向我细诉自己那乏味而机械化的生活。
- The two children collided with a bump. 两个孩子砰的一声撞上了。
- My paternal uncle's bike bumped along the road and took me to Daliwang. 表叔的自行车颠颠簸簸的将我带到了大里王。
- I really am so sorry to bump into you. 撞着你了真是非常抱歉。