- Iwata reveals he gets heart burn from fried beans. 岩田透漏自己吃烤土豆烫了脔心,吃快了。
- burn from lime 石灰灼伤
- My eyes burn from the horror of witnessing such a beast. 我的眼睛由于见证了如此恐怖的东西而灼伤。
- Burn out To stop burning from lack of fuel. 烧尽,烧光因缺乏燃料而停止燃烧。
- A crisp, lighter style of wine, there is a broad spectrum of fresh fruit flavours from lime and nashi through to richer notes of rockmelon and white peach. 口感清爽宜人,浓郁的哈密瓜和白桃香味中,带有酸橙和日本西洋梨子的新鲜果味。
- To stop burning from lack of fuel. 烧尽,烧光因缺乏燃料而停止燃烧
- We may burn limestone to obtain lime. 我们可以通过烧石灰石来得到石灰。
- As it turns out, she had severe leg burns from being in the sun too long. 她晒太阳过久,灼伤了腿。
- He suffered torments from a bad burn. 他因严重烧伤而受痛苦。
- The effect of the stabilization of a high water content weak soil with a new type active belite cement made from lime and fly ash and the strength development of the stabilized soil were investigated. 以高含水粘性土为对象,研究了活性贝利特水泥的固化处理效果及固化土的强度发展特性。
- Based on systematically analyzing physical and chemical indices of lime furnace ash,study the technical method of extracting potassium chlo-ride from lime furnace ash by immersion method. 在系统分析石灰炉炉灰物化指标的基础上,研究了采用石灰炉炉灰,利用水浸法提取氯化钾的工艺方法。
- In 1914, the spirit of the French Army and nation, burning from sire to son since 1870, was vehemently offensive. 在1914年,法国军队和法国人民,由于怀着从1870年以来历代相传的复仇怒火,而富于激烈的进攻精神。
- Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, lighting all along. 人生应该像蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。
- Scrooge had a very small fire, but Bob's fire was so small that it looked as if it was burning from one coal. 史克鲁奇有一个很小的火炉,但是鲍伯生的火好小,看起来就像只有一块煤炭在燃烧。
- The cuts Burn from the iodine. 碘酒烧灼得伤口火辣辣的。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在马路对面向我招手致意。
- Don't buy a used car from that rogue. 别从那无赖手里买旧车。
- He is sprung from noble ancestors. 他出身名门。
- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。
- He sometimes lapses from good behavior. 他有时候会行为失检。