- burn like tinder 猛烈燃烧
- Be careful what you say to Mr Smith, for he is like tinder. 你跟史密斯先生说话要小心,因为他好发脾气。
- Nothing would burn like that except clean timber. 除了光滑直溜的劈柴,没有别的东西能这样耐着的。
- Be careful what you say to Mr Smith,for he is like tinder. 你跟史密斯先生说话要小心,因为他好发脾气。
- It doesn't burn like other spirits. 它不象别的酒那样辣喉咙。
- His every wound began to burn like fire. 他身上每处伤口都疼得火烧火燎。
- For my days vanish like smoke; my bones burn like glowing embers. 3因为我的年日、如烟云消灭、我的骨头、如火把烧著。
- You're left with nothing but your self-potential in the dark,Like tinder resting on a rock, protected from the spark. 最后你一无所有,除了你的处于黑暗中的势能--像岩石上远离火星的火种。
- How long, LORD? Wilt thou be angry for ever? Shall thy jealousy burn like fire? 耶和华阿,这到几时呢。你要动怒到永远吗。你的愤怒要如火焚烧吗。
- He spunked up like tinder. 他像火绒似的怒火中烧起来。
- How long, O Lord? Will you be angry forever? How long will your jealousy burn like fire? 耶和华啊!这到11几时呢?你要动怒到永远吗?你的12愤恨要如13火焚烧吗?
- River a row of dozens of strains of diethanolamine trees, the leaves may burn like red, is August day. 江畔一排数十株乌柏树,叶子似火烧般红,正是八月天时。
- How long, LORD? Wilt thou hide thyself for ever? Shall thy wrath burn like fire? 耶和华阿,这要到几时呢。你要将自己隐藏到永远吗。你的忿怒如火焚烧,要到几时呢。
- That lamp, in the natural course of nature, couldn't burn like that upside down, could it, Beamish? 在通常自然规律情况下,那盏灯倒过来不会燃烧,是不是,比米什?
- How long, O LORD? Will you hide yourself forever? How long will your wrath burn like fire? 耶和华阿,这要到几时呢?你要将自己隐藏到永远吗?你的忿怒如火焚烧,要到几时呢?
- If we rashly correct people in our own ways, people's hearts will be provoked to burn like the wild fire or to respond as cold as ice.Trouble comes then. 可是,如果我们鲁莽地想要按自己的意思,将之改造,重塑,那麽人心必将遭到挑逗、刺激,终而产生烈如野火,冷若冰霜的激烈反应,事情一旦走到了那一步,麻烦可就大了。
- The sun burned like a silver sore place low in the gray November sky. 这是十一月,天空灰蒙蒙的,灼热的太阳犹如一块银色地低悬着。
- Zhou-fang simply watches the dance, unmoving, his eyes burning like a torch. 周昉却看着舞蹈不动,目光如炬。
- Em.C.G.We will shine like stars above.D/F#.Em.As we're burning like the sun. 求引导我们的生命.;愿能一生敬拜祢
- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。