- She is intelligent, ardent and ready to burn her boats. 她聪明热情,且随时准备破釜沉舟。
- burnt her boatsv. 破釜沉舟(干到底;不留后路)
- burn her boatsvi. 破釜沉舟(背水布阵;断绝退路)
- She moored her boat alongside ours. 她把她的船停靠在我们船边。
- She burnt her fingers on the stove. 她被火炉烫伤了手。
- The whale was twice as long as her boat. 那条鲸鱼有她的船两倍长。
- I couldn't understand her boat going down on a night like that. 我不懂她的船为什么在这么一个晚上会沉没。
- One was a merry girl paddled her boat on the Pacific ocean. 一幅是一个欢快的女孩在太平洋上用桨划船。
- We left her just now declaring that she would burn her ships behind her. 我们不久前讲到凯瑟琳已决心破斧沉舟。
- Her Boat turns Back without waiting moonrise To yoyal house amid amorous sighs. 回舟不待月, 归去越王家。
- If you could bring her back to life they would burn her again within six months. 即使你能让她死而复活,他们在六个月以内还会把她烧死。
- Long she leaned out in her freak dress, keen to burn her wings at life's candle. 她穿着件“奇装”、凭窗伫立多时,一心要在生命的烛焰上烧掉自己的翅膀。
- While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. 正当她划得高兴时,海面上突然刮起一阵大风,把她的小船弄翻了。
- Lucia's mother asked her to marry the man but she refused,so the man said he would burn her. 她母亲要把她嫁给这个男人,她拒绝了。这个男人就要把她烧死。
- When Daisy became a nun, she burned her brides behind her. 戴西成为尼姑后,就等于自断后路,别的事都不能干了。
- Since Mary's father would not give his consent to her marriage to the man, she decided to burn her bridges and eloped with him. 因为玛丽的父亲不会同意她和那男人结婚,她决定破釜沉舟,和那男人私奔了。
- When her brand new TV wouldn't work, it burned her up. 当她的新电视机出故障时,她气得火冒三丈。
- Shirley dropped the crayon as if it burned her fingers. 谢利连忙放下铅笔,仿佛它烫了她的手指似的。
- When Daisy became a nun,she burned her brides behind her. 戴西成为尼姑后,就等于自断后路,别的事都不能干了。
- In the miniseries, Tigh is burning her photo, right? 在迷你剧中,泰曾经烧过艾伦的照片,对吧?