- burrow porosity 虫掘孔隙
- The hunter watched for the hare to come out of the burrow. 猎人守候着兔子从洞里出来。
- The squirrel stores nuts in its burrow. 小松鼠将干果贮藏在地洞里。
- To burrow or hide in the ground. 藏身或躲避到地下.
- You burrow and rankle in his heart! 你挖掘并折磨他的心灵!
- The study result was verified by porosity testing. 分析结论通过孔隙率检验得以证实。
- The hare shot from its burrow and the hound made after it at top speed. 野兔从洞里闪出来,猎狗飞快地紧追不舍。
- Surface, interface and porosity of materials. 材料的表面、界面与孔隙;
- Earthworms burrow deep into the soil. 蚯蚓钻土很深。
- He was afraid that they would burrow into his past. 他担心他们会追查他的过去。
- Let us find two shovels and burrow our way in! 让我们找两把铲子挖个洞藏起来吧!
- Moles and gophers burrow in the ground. 鼹鼠和地鼠在地上掘洞居住。
- Earthworms burrow deep into the subsoil. 蚯蚓深深地钻进底土。
- Formulization of CN Response makes it easy to correct poros... 介绍如何利用经验公式编程实现校正,以提高校正的准确性。
- Mora's hunger lures her back to the warthog burrow. 莫拉的饥饿把它诱回到疣猪洞。
- The dog had chased a rabbit into its burrow. 狗把兔子追进了洞穴。
- Shallow burial seems to preserve chalky textured porosity. 浅埋藏似能保留具白垩状结构的孔隙。
- Yours will call me,like music, out of my burrow. 别的脚步声让我慌慌张张地逃回洞穴。
- The rabbit is resting in its burrow. 那只兔子正在它的洞穴中休息。
- "We will keep her in our burrow, next to the pond. “我们将把她留在我们靠近池塘的洞穴中。