- He is asked to confine the use of the telephone to business call alone! 他被告知这部电话只能用于商业电话!文章引用自
- Many new comers to the United States will miss the opening courtesies of a business call, for example. 例如,很多初到美国的人都会发现那种打商业性电话时的开场白礼仪在美国都没有了。
- Future expansion of the business calls for two new factories. 将来业务扩大需要建造两个新工厂。
- Company-owned private telephone network for business calls only. 公司拥有的仅用于业务电话的私人电话网。
- His business calls him out at all hours, even when doctors sleep. 他的职业,便是在医生都睡觉的时候,也可以使他出门。
- Landlord old woman is busy call lackey to nod a lamp to come to adjoining room. 地主婆忙叫仆人到隔壁房间点个灯来。
- You are asked to confine your use of the telephone to business calls alone. 这里的电话只能用于公务。
- The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意若无起色,公司非垮不可。
- A day midday, we are fumbling in forest, abrupt, one acoustical frightening cry is transmitted before our, guide is busy call us to stop. 一天中午,我们正在丛林摸索,忽然,我们的前面传来一声的惨叫,向导忙叫我们站住。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- Mobile charge related to business calls is reimbursable.Deviation with this amount should be explained. 因公务所产生的电话费是可以申请补助,并依状况提出说明。
- Iranian immigrant Farhad Besharati offers tours to Europe through his business called Atlantic Tour and Travel. 来自伊朗的移民法赫德.;巴沙拉蒂创办的大西洋旅游公司专门经营欧洲旅游线路。
- Step 7. Put off making business calls when you're too distracted or tired to give it your all. 第7步:在你过于分心或太累而不能充分表达自己时,推迟进行商务通话。
- One day, Merv decided to invest his money in a small, but growing telecom business called Plexus Communications. 一天,墨夫决定用他的钱去投资一家虽小,但却正在成长中的电信事业叫做网状通讯。
- Most bosses don't like discovering that their employees are unresponsive to business calls and letters. 许多老板不愿看到他们的雇员对商务电话和信函迟迟不予答复。
- Among the passengers were a number of officers, Government officials, and opium and indigo merchants, whose business called them to the eastern coast. 它运走了一批旅客,其中有军官,有文职人员,还有贩卖鸦片和蓝靛的商人。
- Moving house is a vexatious business. 搬家是件麻烦的事情。
- If you are away on official business, please call by. 如你出差,一定要顺便来玩玩。
- Business calls from commercial staffs of various circles from home and abroad, the advertising circles and the publishing companies are welcomed! 欢迎海内外各界商业人士,广告界,出版社,来电话洽谈!
- Internal business calls made to external telephone numbers by using a PBX are made by dialing 9 or 0 in some systems followed by the external number. 在某些系统中,要在公司内部使用PBX拨打外部电话号码,可以拨打9或0,然后拨打外部号码。