- How can the Business Incubator going now? 风险投资在某种程度上正好弥补了孵化器在发展上遇到一些不足。
- Beijing Jinghai Hi-tech Business Incubator Co., Ltd. 北京京海科技企业孵化器有限公司。
- Business Incubator for Returned Personnel is the first provincial incubator. 留学人员创业园是宁夏首家省级留学人员创业园。
- Although there are many functions of big-tech business incubator, but most of them have the character of intermediary. 虽然科技企业孵化器功能众多,但其大多数功能都具有中介性质。
- As an intermediary service organization,business incubator has it's own law of development. 企业孵化器作为一种中介服务机构,也有其自身发展规律。
- Hi-tech Innovation Service Center is called business incubator in America, aiming at serving the science-based S& M enterprises. 高新技术创业服务中心”在美国被称为“企业孵化器”,是为科技型中小企业服务的。
- Caohejing Innovation Center is the first business incubator in China to have received the certificate of ISO9001 quality system. 创业中心在全国创业中心范围内首家通过ISO9001国际质量体系的认证。
- In China, technology business incubator is taking on heavy responsibilities in the period of constructing innovative country. 摘要作为一种新型的企业组织,科技企业孵化器在建设创新型国家的过程中具有着重要的社会功能。
- Hi-tech Innovation Service Center is called business incubator in America,aiming at serving the science-based S &M enterprises. “高新技术创业服务中心”在美国被称为“企业孵化器”,是为科技型中小企业服务的。
- Foreign investors investing in business incubator in Laosahn District is encouraged,no matter what single or joint investment. 欢迎外国投资者来崂山区投资建设企业孵化器,独资合资都可以。
- To attract high-tech companies, a business incubator base has been established to industrialize high-tech research fruits. 为吸引高科技企业投资,园区内专为高科技成果转化设立了基地。
- At present,Xiangfan high and new-tech business incubator still exists some problems,such as backward management model and imperfect services. 目前襄樊高新技术企业孵化器存在管理模式落后、服务有待提升等问题。
- Dr. Sheldon is a principal in New Ventures West, a sole proprietorship used as his personal high tech business incubator. 谢尔登博士是新冒险西方学校的校长,使用独资作为他的个人高技术商务孵化器.
- Allen, D. N., &McCluskey, R. (1990). Structure, Policy, Service, and Performance in the business incubator industry. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 15(2), 61-77. 经济部中小企业处(1998)。八十七年中小企业白皮书。台北:经济部中小企业处。
- In order to accelerate the development of Xiangfan,to develop incubator's assembly effects and to enhance the brand of Xiangfan high and new-tech business incubator,it involves conso... 为了促进襄樊经济发展,发挥孵化器的聚集效应,提升襄樊高新技术企业孵化器的品牌,该孵化器需要进行内部资源整合、转变管理方式、加强网络化建设、强化个性化服务。
- Beijing Hua Hai Ji Ye High-Tech Business Incubation Co., Ltd. 北京华海基业科技孵化器有限公司。
- Roundtable: Does Your City Promote or Inhibit Business Incubation? 圆桌会议:你所在城市提升或抑制孵化器?
- Organiztional Change of Business Incubator 企业孵化器的组织变革
- Pioneer Park;Hi-tech business incubator 创业园
- high-tech business incubator; pioneer park 创业园