- How does it support corporate business strategy? 它怎样支持企业战略?
- How do we align business strategy and plans with IT strategy and IT plans? 我们要如何将企业战略与计划和信息技术战略与计划挂钩?
- Brave Business Strategy Co., Ltd Financial Consultant Department will kingh. 博瑞福商务策划有限公司财务顾问部竭诚为企业服务。
- Brave Business Strategy Co., Ltd Information Technology Department will k. 技术部竭诚为企业服务。
- Brave Business Strategy Co., Ltd Translation Service Department will kinght. 博瑞福商务策划有限公司翻译服务部竭诚为企业服务。
- This abstract outlines our business strategy for the upcoming season. 这份摘要概述了我们下一季的商业策略。
- Gather market information and help the company to make business strategy. 收集市场信息,协助公司制订相应市场策略。
- One final area that should appear in business programmes is a core course in business policy or business strategy. 最后,应当跻身于商业课程系列的是一门有关商业政策或谋略的核心课程。
- Vera: I know, but it's all to do with a new business strategy which the board wants to be introduced. 薇拉:是啊,但董事会要推行新的营运策略,所以要换人。
- Including corporate and business strategy, business process re-engineering and change management. 包括企业及商业策略、业务流程重组和变革管理。
- Has a change in business strategy made your brand dated or out-of-step with your new customers? 经营策略的转变是否使您的品牌过时或脱离了新客户?
- They must also be willing to adjust both funding priorities and the enterprise business strategy, if necessary. 如果必要的话,他们必须还要乐于调整投资优先级和企业商业策略。
- Business strategy: aim at international name brand, overrun national name brand, make zhouji name brand! 公司战略:瞄准国际品牌,赶超国内名牌,争创洲际名牌!
- Help market team to develop business strategy to deliver the values of these traits to customers. 协助市场部制定业务规划,将转基因产品的价值转化为客户的利益。
- Students frequently posited that copying is a superior business strategy to inventing and innovating. 学生通常认为抄袭是优于发明和创新的一种商业策略。
- Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is the important business strategy to achieve competitive advantages. 业务流程重组(BPR)是企业获得竞争优势的重要战略。
- In 2008, TCL around "health" business strategy quickly and effectively achieve its business reorganization. 2008年,TCL围绕“健康”经营战略,迅速有效地完成了业务架构重组。
- The tightfisted business strategy may help them stay afloat, but it also ensures that the recession will drag on. 无奈,他和他的妻子以个人名义贷款买了一辆拖车。他说:“我们必须买,这是唯一的办法。”为此,他们的个人信贷额度受到了冲击。但是在时下,这笔贷款是企业发展的成本。
- Integrating global sourcing into the overall business strategy to obtain a low-cost advantage. 整盒全球采购到整体经营战略中来获得一种低成本优势。
- The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意若无起色,公司非垮不可。