- He find the car go for a song and buy it. 他发现这辆汽车以低价出售,就把它买了下来。
- This table was going for a song at the market. 这张桌子正在市场上廉价出售。
- I bought this sound house for a song. 我以低价买了这所完好无损的房子。
- He found the car going for a song and bought it. 他发现这辆车非常便宜,于是就买下了。
- All of the products left in the shop went for a song. 商店里剩下的所有产品都以廉价出售。
- America's best buy for a nickel is a telephone call to the right man. 在美国以一枚镍币可购得的最划算的东西,是打电话找到要找的人。
- Charles bought an old cottage for a song and completely renovated it. 查尔斯廉价购置了一幢旧的小别墅,并将它进行了彻底的整修翻新。
- Who among them has not bought for a song an ancient junked car,and with parts from other junked cars put together something that would run? 他们当中谁没有低价买过那种靠其他旧车零件组装在一起而勉强开动起来的旧汽车?
- Do you know what you should buy for a little girl? 你知道你应该给不姑娘买什么吗?
- Who among them has not bought for a song an ancient junked car, and with parts from other junked cars put together something that would run? 他们当中谁没有低价买过那种靠其他旧车零件组装在一起而勉强开动起来的旧汽车?
- They had to sell their houses for a song. 他们不得不将房屋廉价出售。
- This table is going for a song at the market. 这张桌子正在市场上廉价出售。
- He finds the car going for a song and buys it. 他发现这辆汽车以低价出售,就把它买了下来。
- My uncle sold me that land for a song. 我叔叔以极低的价格卖给我了那块土地。
- He found an old man who sold one for a song. 他遇到一位老人,很便宜地卖给他一只。
- He had just bought a roan for a song. 他刚刚买到一匹菊花红棕马,价钱极便宜。
- Let's sing a song for a broken heart. 歌中翻来覆去唱的一句是。
- He Bought a used walkman for a song. 他以很低的价钱买了一台旧随身听
- They bought that house for a song. 他们廉价地买下那幢房子。
- The chairman knocked him down for a song. 主席要求他唱一支歌。