- A child must never do anything by halves. 小孩做事不可半途而废。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- The budget has been chopped by half. 预算被砍了一半。
- No, the Fianna never do anything by halves! 不,芬尼安无法摆脱这两个极端。
- Things always come too late or come by halves. 然而好事总是姗姗来迟,或者总是不圆满。
- If we wire into this job we shall be finished by half past ten. 如果我们抓紧干,10点半前就可以干完。
- He certainly doesn't do things by halves. 他当然不会只把事情做一半。
- The new bus service cuts the travelling time by half. 新的公共汽车交通服务使运行时间减少了一半。
- They never do nothing by halves. 他们做什么事情都有始有终。
- Things done by halves are never done right. 事情做得不彻底,就不能算好。
- All workers must be at their posts by half past 8. 所有工人必须在八点半各就各位。
- We can understand each other by half a word. 我们俩只须一两句话就能彼此了解。
- He is not the kind of person to do things by halves. 他不是做事只做一半的人。
- It is better not to do it at all than do it by halves. 与其敷衍了事地做,不如压根儿不做。
- He's not a man who does things by halves -- either he donates a huge sum to a charity or he gives nothing. 他这个人做事一不做二不休--向慈善事业捐款不捐则已,一捐就是一大笔。
- He tops his father by half a head. 他比他父亲高出半个头。
- She is the better novelist by half. 她是一个非常杰出的小说家。
- It's exasperating to run for a train and then miss it by half a minute. 跑著赶火车,却差半分钟没赶上,真气人。
- Go on,try it! You're too cautious by half. 快点,试一下!你太小心翼翼了。
- You're expecting twins? Well, you never did do anything by halves. 你想生对双胞胎?唔,你做事倒从来不会只做一半。