- By the sound of it,you've caught a chill. 根据听诊,你是着凉了。
- By the sound of it, it 's bronchitis . 根据声音判断,这是支气管炎。
- By the sound of it, you've caught a chill. 你是着凉了。
- By the sound of it, it's bronchitis. 根据声音判断,这是支气管炎。
- They had a wonderful time by the sound of it. 听起来他们好像过得很愉快。
- I was awakened by the sound of church bells. 我被教堂的钟声吵醒。
- I was roused by the sound of the bell this morning. 今天早晨,我被铃声唤醒。
- From childhood on Tennyson was fascinated by the sound of words. 从孩提开始,坦尼森就对词语的发音着了迷。
- The sound of seagulls carried her back to childhood holidays by the sea. 她听到海鸥的叫声就回忆起童年时在海边度假的情景。
- I was awakened by the sound of screams. 我被阵阵尖叫声惊醒。
- He was awakened at dawn by the sound of crying. 黎明时他被哭喊声吵醒。
- Was roused by the sound of the bell this morning. 今天早晨,我被铃声唤醒。
- He was rudely awakened by the sound of drilling. 他突然被钻孔的声音吵醒。
- I am jarred by the sound of these children weeping. 孩子们的哭声让我很烦躁。
- The stillness of the fields was broken by the sound of a gunshot. 一声枪声打破了田野的寂静。
- The sound of the bell was muffled by the curtains. 铃声被帘子蒙住而压低了。
- I was roused by the sound of a bell. 钟声把我吵醒了。
- Our attention was caught by the sound of a shot . 枪声引起了我们的注意。
- I was woken by the sound of someone moving around. 有人来回走动的响声把我吵醒了。
- Taxes are going to go up, by the look of it. 看样子要加税了。