- bystander calculus 旁观者计虑
- Police warn bystander to keep away from the blazing building. 警察告诫围观者,不要靠近燃烧的建筑物。
- She had thought to remain a bystander. 她想保持局外人的角色。
- Calculus is over the heads of most students. 微积分对大多数学生来说太难学了。
- The old lady enquired of a bystander the reason for the delay in the Queen's arrival. 这位老夫人向那个旁观者打听王后推迟到达的原因。
- I do not think they realize I was just a bystander. 我想他们没有意识到我只是一个旁观者而已。
- A person seldom falls sick, but the bystander is animated with a faint hope that he will die. 人难得生病,可是旁观者们却以为他势将必死,并因这一线希望而精神百倍起来。
- My calculus TA is a PhD student. 我的微积分助教是博士班的学生。
- Bystander: Down that hallway and to your right. 沿着这条走廊的右边走。
- This is a problem where calculus won't help at all. 对于这一题,微积分一点也用不上。
- The study investigates the 'bystander effect'. 这项研究调查了“旁观者效应”。
- I had studied calculus before I got into college. 我在上大学以前,已经学过微积分。
- Auck, don t hit me! I m an innocent bystander. 啊呦,别整我,我只是个旁观者。
- Is this differential calculus or integral calculus? 这是微分还是积分?
- These roles are Hero, Villain, Victim or Bystander. 它们是:英雄、恶人、受害者和旁观者。
- That's the way calculus presents. 当然这是微积分的作用啦。
- I am always a bystander when danger comes. 一旦出现什么危险, 小人总是能够自外。
- Calculus and mathematical models II. 微积分与数学模型2。
- A bullet went astray and killed a bystander. 一颗子弹打歪了,杀死了一个旁观者。