- The calcareous and siliceous rock deposits of springs, lakes, or ground water. 泉华泉、湖或地下水中的。
- The development of silicate rock analysis over the last fifty years is reviewed in this paper. 摘要评述了矽酸盐岩石分析在过去的50年中的主要进展。
- Carbonate rock in CO2-H2O-rock system can uptake more CO2 from soil or air than silicate rock due to dissolubility of the carbonate rock. 摘要在CO2-H2O-岩石系统中由于碳酸盐岩的可溶性,使其回收土壤/大气CO2的通量比硅酸盐岩更大。
- The burnability of four raw mixes, using of burned duns, micropowder of silica sand, mill tailings of silicate rock and sand stone, was tested. 用自燃煤矸石、石英砂超细粉、硅石尾矿和砂岩分别制备4种生料进行易烧性试验,结果表明是可以用工业废渣替代砂岩的。
- The prominent characteristic of the siliceous rock is the residual bioclastic structure, with plenty of silicified calcareous organisms, such as brachiopoda, encrinite caudex and coral, which are several millimeters in size. 其显著特征是,岩石具残余生物碎屑结构,见大量腕足类、海百合茎、珊瑚等钙质生物假象,主要为mm级完整个体,密集堆积。
- A siliceous rock of chalcedonic or opaline silica occurring in limestone. 硅石出现在灰岩中的玉髓或蛋白色硅石
- Aquantitative determinatiom of rare Sr and Ba in silicate rocks and muddy sourcerocks by atomic emission spectro metry(AES) was suggested. 作者以原子发射光谱法定量测硅酸盐岩及泥质汉岩中低含量的锶、钡。
- Thus, the "radiolarian cherts" and the siliceous rock of Maokou Formation are diferent lithostratigraphic units. 因此,两者应分属不同的地层单位。
- A big collision can also produce another kind of layer, too, by melting and vaporizing silicate rocks, which then condense into sand-grain-size glass spheres known as microtektites. 大型撞击事件也会造成另一种地层。矽酸盐岩石熔化与蒸发,随后会凝结成砂粒大小的玻璃珠,称为微玻陨石。
- It occurs in the siliceous rock of Cambrian Hetang group, the ore-body displays occurrence in the form of beds, pralleling wi... 在油漆中替代沉淀硫酸钡和滑石粉。用硅土作填料,具有提高产品的性能和质量,可降低生产成本,增强企业活力。
- Raw materials include breccia,siliceous rhyolite,quartzite,jasper,agate,dacite,obsidian and crystal,with breccia and siliceous rock being the most important stone materials. 两类细石核所采用的原料包括火山角砾岩、硅质岩、流纹岩、石英岩、碧玉、玛瑙、英安岩、黑曜岩及水晶等9种,以火山角砾岩和硅质岩为主,原料利用方面没有大的差别。
- the calcareous and siliceous rock deposits of springs,lakes,or ground water 泉、湖或地下水中的石灰质和硅质岩石沉积物
- The rock was honeycombed with passages. 岩石上有许多蜂窝状的小孔。
- Silicate rocks--Determination of chromium GB/T14506.;23-1993硅酸盐岩石化学分析方法铬的测定
- Many young rock hounds grow up to be geologists. 许许多多爱好收集岩石的少年,长大后成了地质学家。
- Silicate rocks--Determination of copper GB/T14506.;18-1993硅酸盐岩石化学分析方法铜的测定
- The climber had to negotiate a steep rock face. 那攀登者得攀越一陡峭岩石。
- Silicate rocks--Determination of iron oxide GB/T14506.;5-1993硅酸盐岩石化学分析方法三氧化二铁的测定
- This layer of rock contains a lot of flint. 这一岩层中有大量燧石。
- Silicate rocks--Determination of lead GB/T14506.;19-1993硅酸盐岩石化学分析方法铅的测定