- Methods 60 patients with calculous cholecystits were divided into two groups at random,named group A and B. 选择60例胆囊结石患者随机分成2组:A组采用还原型谷胱甘肽治疗(绿汀诺治疗);
- Objective To study the effects of glutathione on calculous cholecystits combined with haptic function damage before LC. 目的探讨还原型谷胱甘肽治疗腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)前结石性胆囊炎合并肝功能不良的疗效。
- Conclusion Glutathione is an effective drug in treating the calculous cholecystits .bined with hepatic function .mage. 结论还原型谷胱甘肽治疗结石性胆囊炎合并肝功能不良疗效显著。
- Conclusion Glutathione is an effective drug in treating the calculous cholecystits combined with hepatic function damage. 结论还原型谷胱甘肽治疗结石性胆囊炎合并肝功能不良疗效显著。
- calculous cholecystits 结石性胆囊炎
- We won't take a calculous class until next term. 可咱们下学期才要修微积分。
- Sulphur glycerine can is purify tooth calculous? 磺甘油能去除牙结石吗?
- Is bile duct calculous must first antiphlogistic again operation? 胆管结石一定要先消炎再手术吗?
- Accordingly, also need not fear meeting generation is calculous. 因此,也不必担心会产生结石。
- Is uric road calculous need not is the operation treated? 尿路结石可以不手术治疗吗?
- Often accompany hair stone, if do not have calculous fallibility examine,be tumor. 往往伴发结石,如无结石易误诊为肿瘤。
- Medicinal powder can calculous Chinese traditional medicine hit arenaceous shape gallbladder? How many days must eat? 散砂状胆囊结石中药能打下来吗?得吃多少天啊?
- Urgent urgent! Urethral and calculous? Holmium laser, operation is that one effect better? 急急急!尿道结石?钬激光,手术那一个效果更好?
- Metholds 265 patients with caute calculous cholecystitis underment the laparoscopic cholecystectomy. 方法对265例急性结石性胆囊炎施行腹腔镜胆囊切除术。
- Objective To study the indiction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute calculous cholecystitis. 目的探讨腹腔镜治疗急性结石性胆囊炎的手术指征、手术时机和手术技巧。
- Objective:To observe the effect of chronic calculous cholecystitis(CCC) upon the liver. 目的:探讨慢性单纯性胆囊炎并胆囊内结石对肝脏的影响。
- Conclusions Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a secure therapy for the aute calculous cholecystitis. 结论腹腔镜治疗急性结石性胆囊炎是安全可靠的手术方式。
- A friend said to get stone, does calculous metropolis grow the where in human body? Is stone a serious illness or ailment? 一个朋友说得了结石,结石都会长在人体的什么地方啊?结石是大病还是小病啊?
- The recrudescent rate that calculous form achievement makes uric road is affected increases greatly, cause remedial difficulty. 结石形成就使尿路感染的复发率大大增加,引起治疗的困难。
- In the 13 patients who suffered from acute cholecystitis, 9 were of calculous cholecystitis and the other 4 of acalculous cholecystitis. 在13例急性胆囊炎病患中,胆结石性者有9例,非胆结石性者有4例,均合并有高手术危险性或有广泛之癌症蔓延而不适合手术者;