- The RCS handles OA&M functions and call processing for Flexent Microcells. 该 RCS 将处理 Flexent 微小区的 OA&M 功能和呼叫处理。
- The RCS handles OA &M functions and call processing for Flexent Microcells. 该 RCS 将处理 Flexent 微小区的 OA &M 功能和呼叫处理。
- For more information about Unified Messaging message flow, see Overview of the Unified Messaging Call Processing. 有关统一消息的邮件流的详细信息,请参阅统一消息呼叫处理概述。
- For more information about Play on Phone message flow see, Unified Messaging Play on Phone Call Processing. 有关在电话上播放邮件流的详细信息,请参阅统一消息电话播放呼叫处理。
- We compare SCML to the Call Processing Language (CPL) defined by the IETF and note that SCML offers several advantages. 对比了SCML与由IETF所定义的CPL(CallProcessingLanguage)功能和要求,并发现SCML的一些优势。
- For more information about Unified Messaging message flow and routing, see Overview of the Unified Messaging Call Processing. 有关统一消息流和路由的详细信息,请参阅统一消息呼叫处理概述。
- For more information about Unified Messaging Play on Phone message flow, see Unified Messaging Play on Phone Call Processing. 有关统一消息的电话播放邮件流的详细信息,请参阅统一消息电话播放呼叫处理。
- Do not rely on the calling process to provide safe data. 不要依赖于调用进程来提供安全的数据。
- The status parameter lets you stop call processing so that the Unified Messaging server can be taken offline in a controlled way. 状态参数允许您停止处理呼叫,以便统一消息服务器可以采用可控方式脱机。
- High availability FSM package encapsulates HA state management, data synchronization and consistency check function for all call processing modules. 高可用状态机包封装了应用层模块的高可用状态管理、数据同步和一致性检验功能;
- The status step method using at call process resolves the unity problem of real-time scheduling and multiprocessing. 状态迁移法在呼叫过程中的应用,解决系统实时性和多重、处理的统一问题。
- The use of abstract factory design pattern greatly enhanced reusability and maintainability of the whole call processing application software. 抽象工厂模式的运用极大地增强了整个呼叫处理应用层软件的可重用性和可维护性。
- For more information about the different types of messages that an Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging server handles, see Overview of the Unified Messaging Call Processing. 有关Exchange 2007统一消息服务器处理的不同邮件类型的详细信息,请参阅统一消息呼叫处理概述。
- The author analyzes the internal constitution of Advanced Intelligent Peripheral (AIP), designs and develops the call process of CRBT service. 本文首先分析了彩铃业务的发展情况,分析了彩铃业务的智能网方案、AIP内部组网。
- The calling process can then replace the order for the quantity on hand. 然后调用进程可以针对现有的数量重新下订单。
- Indicates whether the new process inherits handles from the calling process. 指定新的进程是否可以从调用进程继承句柄。
- The Call Processing Software (CPS), running at the APU processing board of AAM, is designed to deal with the call setup, maintenance, release and so on through the ATM network. 呼叫处理软件以AAM的核心处理单元APU板为运行平台,实现ATM网络中呼叫的建立、接续、维护、释放等功能。
- While most admit that switches aren't likely to lose dial tone and will continue to provide call processing as the new century kicks off, they caution the important adjunct functionality may be lost. 多数人承认随着新世纪的到来,交换机不大可能丢失拨号音,会继续提供电话处理,但观察家们告诫说一些重要的附属功能可能会失去。
- My brother is always at my father's beck and call. 我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。
- While most admit that switches aren't likely to lose dial tone and will continue to provide call processing as the new century kicks off,they caution the important adjunct functionality may be lost. 多数人承认随着新世纪的到来,交换机不大可能丢失拨号音,会继续提供电话处理,但观察家们告诫说一些重要的附属功能可能会失去。