- He even called white black and made a false countercharge as saying that "science is a cult". 甚至颠倒黑白,倒打一耙,侮蔑“科学是邪教”。
- call white blackv. 颠倒黑白;指鹿为马
- This is making black white, and white black. 这是颠倒黑白。
- Shuck wicker skin, connect body to show white, call white wicker. 把柳条剥去皮,通体呈白色,就叫白柳条。
- You call white people“yang nom”Japanese as“jjokbaree”Chinese as“ddaenom”. 永远不像你们这种烂狗屁语言。
- Candian white black and white, leads directly to the top if off in the end, black, black wash from the time. 黑白餐垫上的白色绣片是直接铺上去的,如果缝在黑色底上的话,洗的时候会染上黑色。
- Your people are just animals.You call white people"yang nom"Japanese as"jjokbaree"Chinese as"ddaenom". 普通话,广东话,泰国话,日语,中文当中你永远找不到这样的词汇用来称呼你们这些丑陋的韩国佬。
- Your people are just animals.You call white people“yang nom” Japanese as “jjokbaree” Chinese as “ddaenom”. 而在普通话,广东话,泰国话,日语,中文当中你永远找不到这样卑鄙的词汇用来称呼你们这些丑陋的韩国佬。
- Polyvinyl acetate (PVAc)emulsion call white emulsion also,which is used widely in daily life.But such emulsion has low performance because of its own inherent defect. 聚醋酸乙烯乳液又称为白乳胶,在日常生活中应用广泛,但由于自身的固有缺点,使其应用受到限制。
- Master X. has White (Black). 大师拿白棋(黑棋)。
- Noise that affects all transmission frequencies equally is called white noise. 杂讯同等地影响所有传输频率称为白噪音。
- It's impolite to call the black people Negro. 称呼黑人为Negro是不礼貌的。
- Maori calls White people as "pakeha" in NZ, which means white man from Europe, especially from UK. 毛利人称呼白人为"非毛利族血统的人"的人,意谓来自欧洲的白人,尤其从英国来的白人。
- Poly ceremony will be at the ceremony, Imam stand by its propaganda on the map called White (Speaker). 聚礼、会礼时,由伊玛目立于其上宣讲呼图白(演讲)。
- Analysis on a Maken White Black Woman Character 一个被“漂白”的黑人女性形象分析
- prove that black is white and white black 颠倒黑白; 诡辩
- At the age of seventeen, she married Col. Daniel Parke Custis, twenty years her senior. They lived in his estate called White House and ran his extensive estate. 十七岁那年;她嫁给了比她年长20岁的Col.;DanielParkeCustis;住在一个被称为“白宫”的大庄园,并共同管理着这片广阔的房产。
- My brother is always at my father's beck and call. 我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。
- make black white and white black 颠倒黑白
- Donna call on her friend kita for a chat. 多娜到她的朋友莉塔家闲谈。