- called address extension 被呼叫方地址扩展
- calling address extension 呼叫地址扩展
- Complete Memory Dump: Not available on systems with 4 GB of RAM, nor on systems using Physical Address Extension (PAE). 完全内存转储:无法在具有4 GB RAM或使用物理地址扩展(PAE)的系统上进行。
- These are called Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) tables.ARP tables are stored in RAM memory, where the cached information is maintained automatically on each of the devices. 这些被称为位址解析度协定(ARP)表,ARP表被储存在RAM记忆体,在每个设备,那里储藏的资讯被自动地维护。
- The central office then sends an SS7 message to a signaling gateway in order to get access to calling and called address information. 然后,为了能访问到呼叫方和被叫方的地址信息,电话局向信令网关发一个SS7消息。
- Westside(18025-109AVE) manufacture looking for Chair/Seat assembly worker,daytime job with start pay;$14/hr, very clean working place, call address at 780-489-6133 for interview.! 西边办公椅装配厂招人,简单英语。感谢对此工作有兴趣并电话联系的朋友,雇主不懂汉语,如果你仍然有兴趣,也可以打电话给我,4239180或7162616
- This article describes Physical Address Extension (PAE) and Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) and explains how they work together. 本文介绍物理地址扩展(PAE)和地址窗口化扩展(AWE)并解释它们如何协同工作。
- The writing of memory dumps stops or stalls when the Physical Addressing Extension (PAE) option is enabled, or a written memory dump is corrupt or incomplete. 原因:您的修复设定可能设定错误、您的分页档大小可能不足以应付记忆体倾印,或是可用磁碟空间不足。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- With this configuration Postfix does no alias expansion, no .forward file expansion, no lookups of recipients in /etc/passwd, and allows but ignores user+foo address extensions. 在这个配置中,postfix不能使用别名扩展功能,.;forward文件扩展功能,不能查找在/etc/passwd中的收件人,允许但忽略user+foo地址扩展。
- His honesty was called into question. 他的诚实受到了怀疑。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- You may be called to give evidence at the trial. 法庭可能传你去作证。
- He cupped his hands around his mouth and called. 他将手掌在嘴边弯成杯形喊叫。
- Our new friends called at our house last week. 我们的新朋友上周曾来我们家拜访。
- A young swan is called a cygnet. 小天鹅叫做“cygnet”。
- Jimmy had his banns called last Sunday. 上星期天,吉米已请求牧师预告了他的婚事。
- The battalion's outposts were called in. 该营的前哨部队已被召回。
- Slow backups may occur when the Intel Physical Addressing Extensions (PAE) specification is enabled on Windows 2000 Advanced server or Datacenter server. (Windows 2000 Advanced Server 或 Datacenter Server 上启用 Intel 物理寻址扩展 (PAE) 规范时可能出现备份缓慢问题。)