- Abstract: By theoretical inference and calorific value calculation method, theoretical economic ratio of making use of propane gas is found out. 文摘:采用理论推导和热值计算法,可求出使用丙烷气的理论节约率。
- By theoretical inference and calorific value calculation method, theoretical economic ratio of making use of propane gas is found out. 采用理论推导和热值计算法,可求出使用丙烷气的理论节约率。
- By calorific value calculated method, we can find out theoretical economic ratio of making use of propane gas. 通过热值计算法,求出了使用丙烷的理论节约率。
- Analysis of Two Simple Methods for Calorific Value Calculation of Coal and Coke 浅析关于煤和焦炭中发热量计算的两种简便方法
- Chromatographic analysis and calorific value calculation of gave from scrap tyres pyrolysed in a pilot-scale rotary kiln 废轮胎中试回转窑热解气特性及能耗分析
- The tin of ban have a calorific value of 250 calories or have 250 calories. 这听蚕豆含250卡的热值或250个卡里路。
- This coal has a high calorific value. 这种煤有很高的发热量。
- calorific value calculation 热值计算
- Only the calorific value of the item in question was relevant. 只有这个热量的价值信息被质疑是相关的。
- The tin of ban has a calorific value of 250 calories or has 250 calories . 这听蚕豆含250卡的热值或250个卡里路。
- But it is difficult to makeuse of BFG due to the low calorific value of BFG. 但是实际生产中由于其热值低,充分利用困难。
- Oxygen bome calorimeter was used to determine calorific value of vinasse. 用氧弹直接测定糖厂废醪液的发热量。
- The soil which was moderate pH has the advantage of cumulating calorific value. 中性和近中性土壤有利于苜蓿热值积累和光能累积。
- Coal in ash, low sulfur, high calorific value, high-melt-depleted coal ash. 煤质以中灰、低硫、高发热量、高熔灰份的贫煤为主。
- Distribution charts of ash, total sulfur and calorific value weredrawn. 分别绘出了灰分、全硫和发热量的分布图。
- The net present value calculation is based on future cash flows. 净现值计算基于未来的现金流。
- The control of the pressure and the calorific value of the mixed gas is decoupled. 介绍了酒钢混合煤气加压站工艺及其计算机自动控制系统的构成及功能。
- When used as a fuel, poultry litter has nearly half the calorific value of coal. 作为燃料使用时,养殖家禽的废弃物的热值几乎是煤炭的一半。
- An increase in the oxygen content of coal by 1% reduces the calorific value by about 1.7%. 煤的含氧量每增加百分之一,其热值则下降百分之一点七左右。
- Such materials boost the calorific value of the RDF, hence increasing electricity output. 这些材料提高了RDF的热值,从而增加了电能输出。