- He came into possession of the house. 那楝房子落入他手中。
- He had come into possession of a large fortune. 他得了一笔很大的财产。
- On her father's death, she came into possession of a vast fortune. 她在父亲死後继承了大量财产。
- He came into possession of that book with great efforts. 他费了很大劲才得到那本书。
- When his father died, he came into possession of a large ranch. 他父亲去世后,他继承了一个大牧场。
- When did he come into possession of those rare books? 他什么时侯得到那些珍本的?
- The United States came into possession of Louisiana by purchase from France. 美国的路易斯安纳州是从法国买来的。
- On her father's death, she came into possession of(= received)a vast fortune. 她父亲死后,她继承了一大笔财产。
- They have come into possession of a sense of power hitherto undreamed of. 他们不再怯懦、软弱、犹豫、恐惧。他们与全能者紧密相连。
- He was asked how the gun had come into his possession (or: how he had come into possession of the gun). 他被问及是怎样得到那手枪的。
- I've come into possession of a quatrain that your former secretary says was written by you. 我是为预言诗而来,你的前任秘书说这诗是你写的。
- Emerson starts with the assumption that the individual, if he can only come into possession of his natural excellence, is the most godlike of creatures. 而爱默生一开始就设想,一个人只要能够拥有自身的完美本性,他就是最接近于上帝的造物。
- Those we have come into possession of this inheritance are never quite the same again.They have come into possession of a sense of power hitherto undreamed of. 这些思维过程,从心理学的层面上看都是事实,没有理论或猜测的成分,也没有什麽奥秘可言。
- On the very first day it came into possession of nu-clear weapons,China solemnly declared that it would not be the first to use such weapons,no matter what the time or the circumstances. 中国自拥有核武器的第一天起就郑重声明,在任何时候、任何情况下,都不首先使用核武器。
- On the very first day it came into possession of nu-clear weapons, China solemnly declared that it would not be the first to use such weapons, no matter what the time or the circumstances. 中国自拥有核武器的第一天起就郑重声明,在任何时候、任何情况下,都不首先使用核武器。
- I hereby wish to reiterate that since the very first day when China came into possession of nuclear weapons, China has undertaken not to be the first to use nuclear weapons under any circumstances. 我再次重申,中国从拥有核武器起,就承诺在任何情况下,都不首先使用核武器。
- Education is being measured more by the size of the benefits the individual can extract from society than by the extent to which the individual can come into possession of his or her full powers. 人们衡量教育质量是看其培养出来的人能从社会上获得多少好处,而不是看这个人在德智体诸方面全面发展的程度。
- How Harry came into the possession of this outlandish stuff makes an interesting story which he is fond of relating. 哈里如何得到这种稀奇古怪的东西,是一个他津津乐道的有趣的故事。
- Conquer fear of death and you are put into possession of you life. 战胜对死亡的恐惧才能真正享受生命。
- get something; come into possession of. 得到某物;拥有某物。