- Tom came out on top in the lawsuit. 汤姆的这场官司打赢了。
- I'll beat everyone and come out on top. 我将胜过所有的人,出人头地。
- You always ask me to come out on top. 你总是让我出面处理。
- He had come out on top in the game of musical chairs by which senior posts seemed to be filled. 已经轮到他获得高级职位了,这种职位似乎是要轮候的。
- In most boardroom disputes he tends to come out on top. 在大多数董事会议的辩论中,他往往占据上风。
- Tim, a classic poor loser, always has to come out on top. 蒂姆这个可怜的常败将军总是在最后才会赢。
- Thankfully, we were able to come out on top after double OT. 谢天谢地,在两个加时之后我们取得了最终的胜利。
- So it does require more planning and forethought to come out on top. 因此需要更多的计划和深谋远虑。
- I will if you tell me how you're so sure that we're going to come out on top. 我会支持你,只要你说出你怎么如此肯定我们会独占鳌头。
- The new GTI fought off tough competition to come out on top as Car of the Year. (高尔夫)新GTI是经过激烈的竞争后,才荣登年度汽车榜首。
- Daqucong tai them to color, flavor, aroma trilingual, come out on top. 其中丛台大曲以色、味、香俱佳,独占鳌头。
- Competition was fierce at this year's flower show but my Dad's roses came out on top as usual. 今年的花展竞争很激烈,但是我爸爸种的玫瑰花同往常一样名列榜首。
- You're sure coming out on top in the next month. (Yay, me! 下个月你一定会脱颖而出的。这是摩羯座的派对之时。
- The boy has the most wonderful ability to come out on top even when everything seems to be against him. 甚至当一切都对这个小伙子不利的时候,他还是有一种惊人的能力获得胜利。
- The French are technically excellent but Scotland came out on top twice and sometimes class doesn't count in football. 法国人技术卓越,但是苏格兰两次以胜利者姿态出现,有时候等级在足球中并不完全作数。
- The Nigerian added: "People were also writing us off before our trips to Barcelona and Porto, yet we came out on top. 尼日利亚人继续说道:“在我们去巴塞罗那和波尔图之前,都在报道我们将被淘汰,而现在我们是最大热门。
- He has proven his ability to weather a storm and come out on top,important for any celebrity. 他已证明了自己经受风雨出人头地的能力,这是成为名流的关键。
- In discretionary full Blue sports, Cambridge also came out on top over Oxford in canoeing and karate. 在酌情充分蓝色运动,剑桥也出来再加上超过牛津大学划船和空手道。
- The Austrians came out on top thanks to a brilliant curling free-kick from skipper Steffen Hofmann. 奥地利取得本场比赛的胜利多亏前锋斯蒂芬-霍夫曼任意球弧线球破门得分。
- It went head to head with the best midsize luxury sedans from Germany and came out on top. 它接着头对头的最佳中型豪华轿车来自德国和出来的佼佼者。