- camera tilt down 摄影机俯摄
- TILT DOWN as he passes by. Yep, he's wearing Norton's shoes. 安迪经过的时候,镜头向下斜照。没错,他正穿着诺顿的皮鞋。
- Andy strolls along, whistling softly, hands in both pockets. TILT DOWN to his pantleg. Concrete grit trickles out. 安迪在散步,吹着口哨,两手插兜。镜头斜下到他的裤腿处,混凝土碎末从裤管处滑出。
- This freight car is able to load sand, mud, ore. And it is able to unload each side by tilt down of pot. 可以载土砂或者煤炭,从货车上把货卸下来的时候,铁锅推到左右边。
- The peak value of angular displacement of pelvic tilt up, pelvic tilt down, knee valgus, ankle dorsifexion, and ankle rotation were significantly lower (p<0.05) in the OA group. 患者的髋关节屈曲、髋关节外展、膝关节伸展、膝关节外翻及足踝蹠曲的力矩峰值明显优于控制组。
- Remember Your Basics: To be vertical at contact, the racquet should be closed or tilted down at the low point of the backswing. 记得你的基础:为了接触中是垂直的,网拍应该在背后拉拍的低点被关闭或倾斜下来。
- Remember, if the racquet face is closed or tilted down at the low point of the backswing, it will naturally be vertical at contact IF the racquet does not wobble out of position. 记得,如果网拍面在背后拉拍的低点被关闭或倾斜向下,如果网拍不摇动出位置那麽在接触时它将是自然垂直的。
- Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down. 喝杯啤酒把你吃的晚饭冲下去。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- The factory is now going full tilt. 这家工厂现在正全速发展。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- The traveller carries about a camera. 旅行者随身带着一只照相机。
- A good video camera will cost you a pretty penny. 一台好的摄像机要花掉你很多钱。
- He lay back at full stretch over the sharp rocks, cramming the scribbled note and pencil into a pocket, his hat tilted down on his eyes. 他直着身子仰卧在巉岩上,把匆忙中写的便条和铅笔塞进兜里,将帽子拉歪,遮上眼睛。
- The camera connection for the second camera do not provide power or pan, tilt and zoom control. 连着的另一台摄像机不带开关、扫视、俯仰、变焦和聚焦控制。
- The car ran full tilt into a tree. 汽车猛地撞在树上。
- He drove full tilt intothe lamppost. 他车开得飞快,撞上了路灯柱。
- He was running at full tilt when he slipped and fell down. 他正全速奔跑时滑了一下,摔倒了。
- I buy some special fast film for my new camera. 我为新相机买了些特快胶卷。
- He bought two rolls of film for the camera. 他给照相机买了两卷胶卷。