- A man camp up one evening, humping his swag. 傍晚一个男子走过来,背上背着行李包。
- We made camp under the shade of trees. 我们在树荫下宿营。
- News reporters camped upon his doorstep day and night. 一些新闻记者日夜在他门口纠缠不走。
- We camped out in the middle of nowhere last summer. 去年夏天我们在一处茫茫蛮荒之地露营。
- They camped the quake victims in tents. 他们把地震受害者暂时安顿在帐篷里。
- Life in the camp had hardened him considerably. 军营生活使他变得坚强多了。
- They pitched camp on the moor for the night. 他们在高沼地搭帐篷过夜。
- The boy guided me to the woods where my friends camped out. 这个小孩子把我引到我朋友们露营的树林里。
- At the summer camp we live in each other's pocket. 在夏令营,我们经常在一起。
- The holiday camp staff all wear yellow uniforms. 假日野营地的工作人员全都穿着黄色制服。
- The camp has a plentiful supply of food. 营地有充足的食品供应。
- Silently we approached the enemy's camp. 我们静悄悄地逼近敌人的营地。
- The huntersbrought their kill back to camp. 猎人把猎物带回营地。
- The refugees are being lodged in an old army camp. 难民暂时安置在一座旧军营里。
- Even at full speed the ship's engines cause very little vibration. 这条船即使全速前进,发动机的震动也很小。
- A high fence ringed the prison camp. 有一道高高的铁丝网围着战俘营。
- Your finger can feel the vibration on the violin string. 你的手指能感觉小提琴琴弦的颤动。
- At camp, the boys have to do up their own cabins. 在营地,男孩们不得不自己打扫小屋。
- At the summer camp we lived in each other's pocket. 在夏令营,我们经常在一起。
- New recruits are trained at the boot camp. 新兵在新兵训练营接受训练。