- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- All the cases can be considered within the framework of the existing rules. 一切情况都可依据现行章程的结构加以考虑。
- The Jasper Piano can be considered a work of art. 这款钢琴堪称是一件真正的艺术品。
- Each strip can be considered a line charge. 每一条可视作一根线电荷。
- Fog can be considered a measure of visibility. 可以将雾化视为一种可见性度量。
- It can be considered a multi stage carburizing. 这一过程可以看成是一个多段渗碳过程。
- COHb can be considered as an indicator of CO exposure. 一氧化碳血红蛋白可以看做一氧化碳暴露的指示值。
- It can be considered as a modern triphibious warfare. 这场战争可以说是一场现代立体战争。
- The localization can be considered uncertain to this extent. 在这个程度上局部化可以认为是不明确的。
- It is inconceivable that she can be considered for the job. 竟考虑让她担任这一工作,真令人难以相信。
- On a macroscale it can be considered to consist of two surfaces. 从宏观的角度看来,它能被考虑为含有两个表面。
- A memory system can be considered as having four ports. 可以认为一个存贮器系统有四个通路。
- Fatigue can be considered in terms of a lack of vigilance. 从警惕性这个方面来看,疲劳可以被视作为是缺乏警惕性。
- The middle layer can be considered as a semi-confined layer. 经氢氧同位素组成的分析显示,此区地下水有浅、中、深的分层现象。
- Yangping and Shang tone's tone sandhi can be considered the same. 阳平和上声的声调变化却几乎一样。
- Conclusion:It can be considered as a new supplementary w... 结论:能为中医药增添新的治疗思路和方法。
- Or if an especialy strong Brave can be considered a Colossus. 甚至一个特别强壮的野蛮人都可以认为是巨人。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability . 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- On a macroscale it can be considered consist of two surfaces. 从宏观的角度看来,它能被考虑为含有两个表面。
- This region can be considered to consist of surface atoms and subsurface atoms. 该区域可被看作为由表面原子和亚表面的原子所组成。