- I cannot begin to describe the pain, humiliation and betrayal . 我已经不能描述我心中的痛苦,耻辱和感到的背叛。
- I cannot begin to describe the pain, humiliation and betrayal. 我到现在还无法形容我受到的上海,羞辱和背叛。
- He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. 为了美国他所承受的牺牲是我们大多数人都无法想象的。
- And He blesses us in ways we cannot measure, in ways we can never comprehend, and ways we can not begin to explain. 同时主开始给我们带来神迹,祂保佑我们的方式,难以量度和理解,甚至不能尝试解释。
- I cannot begin to convey my own personal sense of lossover this senselessness of such an incomprehensible and heinous act. 斯蒂格说,维州理工大学星期一和星期二将停课两天,并向受到惊吓的学生提供心理咨询服务。
- He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine,we are better off for the service rendered by this braveselfless leader. 他为美国做出了大多数人难以想像的牺牲,的生活也因这位勇敢无私的领袖所做出的贡献而变得更美好。
- He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine, and we are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader. 他曾为美国做出了我们大多数人难以想像的牺牲,我们的生活也因为这位勇敢无私的领袖所做出的贡献而变得更美好。
- The connection name cannot begin with a digit. 连接名不能以数字打头。
- You cannot begin the practice too early. 练习开始得愈早愈好。
- To see all external tasks that cannot begin before tasks in your project finish, click the External Successors tab. 若要查看所有不能在项目中的任务完成之前开始的外部任务,请单击“外部后续任务”选项卡。
- The entry name must contain at least one non-blank character and cannot begin with a period. Choose a different name. 项目名称必须包含至少一个非空白字符,而且不能以句号开头。请选择一个不同的名称。
- This means they cannot begin in one block and end in another; the start and end must be in the same block. 这意味着它们不能在一个块内开始并在另一个块内结束;开始与结束必须在同一个块内。
- I can not go to the movie--I am up to my eyebrow. 我不能去看电影,我很忙很忙。
- I cannot overcome my repugnance to eating snails. 吃蜗牛真恶心,我可受不了。
- This rule cannot be applied to every case. 这项规则不是所有情况都使用。
- I cannot endure listening to that any longer. 我再也不耐烦听那一套了。
- I cannot afford to go because I haven't a bean. 我没法去,因为我身无分文。
- One such study has already shown that the corals cannot accliniate to the increase and begin to die off. 一个类似的实验已经显示珊瑚礁因无法适应这种变化,开始相继死去。
- I can not say smoking appeal to me very much. 我不能说吸烟对我有多大吸引力。
- As a great Swiss historian once pointed out, history is the one subject where you cannot begin at the beginning. 如一位伟大的瑞士历史学家曾经指出的那样,历史这个话题你是无法从头说起的。