- canvas shoe with rubber sole 橡皮底帆布鞋
- a canvas shoe with a pliable rubber sole. 有柔韧的橡胶底的一种帆布鞋。
- canvas shoes with rubber sole 帆布胶底鞋
- They often chose brimmed hats and shoes with rubber soles to go with them. 女性采用棉布做衣服,年轻姑娘们则爱上了背带工装裤,前檐工作帽和胶底布鞋。
- Girls liked to wear bib and brace overalls which had a chest pocket, and often chose brimmed hats and shoes with rubber soles to go with them. 工装裤胸前有一个口袋,与之相配的一般是前檐工作帽、胶底布鞋。
- (British) a light shoe with a rubber sole and a canvas top. (英国)橡胶鞋底、帆布鞋帮的一种轻便的鞋。
- (British) a light shoe with a rubber sole and a canvas top (英国)橡胶鞋底、帆布鞋帮的一种轻便的鞋
- leather shoes with rubber soles for children 胶底童皮鞋
- leather shoes with rubber soles for ladies 胶底女皮鞋
- leather shoes with rubber soles for men 胶底男皮鞋
- canvas shoes with rubber heel 帆布胶跟鞋
- Wear shoes or boots with rubber soles in outdoor areas. 在户外,应穿著胶底鞋或靴。
- However, their rubber soled canvas shoes provide no protection against the cold and many soldiers feet frozen during the heavy winter rains. 不过,志愿军的官兵所穿的胶底帆布鞋,根本就无法为其在朝鲜寒冷的冬雨季节提供保护,许多志愿军官兵的脚都曾经被冻伤。
- A low-cut sports shoe with fringed laces. 有流苏饰带的低帮运动鞋。
- KAVASS canvas shoes have soft and comfortable inside sole. KAVASS帆布鞋内底柔软舒适,接缝无毛边,穿着舒适,绝无拱起凹陷现象。
- The machine is suitable for producing the indoor shoes with rubber froth outsole will be vulcanized and lasted with the upper in the last. 本机适合于胶鞋生产,将大底在带楦鞋帮上硫化成型。使用压缩空气作为动力源。
- An ankle-high shoe with elastic sides. 高帮松紧鞋两帮有松紧布且高至脚踝的鞋
- He stuffed the shoe with newspaper. 材料,东西,所有物;填满,塞满,填料
- Rubber sole is wear-resistant, and skidproof. 橡胶大底耐磨,止滑。
- The Hefei area quality good imitates Kuang the prestige canvas shoe? 您的位置:我也知道>地区>安徽>合肥市>合肥地区质量好的仿匡威帆布鞋啊?