- Although the inventiveness of humans and the powers derived therefrom may seem for a while to extend carrying capacity limits, ecological laws cannot be repealed. 虽然人类的发明创造力及由此而来的力量在一短时间内,似乎在增大其承载力极限,但生态学的法则是不能违背的。
- That is, until March this year, when Linden Lab increased the capacity limits on those simulators, and changed the pricing model, allowing them to be purchased individually. 那是, 今年直到三月, 当菩提树实验室在那些模拟器上增加了容量限度, 而且改变了订价的模型的时候, 让他们个别地被购买。
- In terms of packet loss during transmission and calculation capacity limit to MPU, some technical renovations are discussed also. 针对传输丢包现象和视频多点处理器的运算能力限制,对每个问题在解决方法上都有所改进或创新。
- Modules with 256 Mbit chips are only accepted on motherboards in which the capacity limit of each memory module is of at least 512 MB. 内存单芯片为256M比特容量只可能用在主板至少支持单内存为512M的主板上。
- To avoid the diseconomy caused by frequently starting and stopping of the generators, a rule of “capacity limit” is adopted to coordinate the bidding behaviors. 为了避免机组频繁启停造成的不经济,本文还提出采用“容量限制”规则对报价进行约束。
- Other big European airports at, or near, their capacity limits in clued Frankfurt, Milan, Munich and Palma, while others such as Patis(Orly),Geneva and Madrid will reach saturation point by 1995. 其它的欧洲大机场包括法兰克福机场,米兰机场,慕尼黑机场,帕尔马机场在内,已经达到或接近他们的运能极限,而其它一些象巴黎机场,日内瓦机场,马德里机场将在1995年达到运能饱和点。
- Capacity Limits of Future Communication Systems 通信系统的未来容量极限研究
- OD Matrix Capacity Limit Calculation Method OD出行矩阵的容量限制推算方法
- bearing capacity limit state method 承载力极限状态法
- According to its complexity,rapidness and fatalness in wartime,two optimized models of single ordnance's urgent transportation with capacity limitation and multi-requirement points are established. 考虑到战时状况下军械物资调运的复杂性、快速性和危险性等特点,建立了不同时间要素规定情况下多需求点、单货种军械物资有运力限制条件的紧急调运的2种优化模型。
- I'm willing to help, within limits. 我愿适当予以帮助。
- He is acting in a fiduciary capacity. 他以受托人身份行为。
- According to its complexity, rapidness and fatalness in wartime, two optimized models of single ordnance's urgent transportation with capacity limitation and multi-requirement points are established. 考虑到战时状况下军械物资调运的复杂性、快速性和危险性等特点,建立了不同时间要素规定情况下多需求点、单货种军械物资有运力限制条件的紧急调运的2种优化模型。
- They would not lend you money without limits. 他们不会无限制地借钱给你。
- You can trust her within limits. 你可有限度地信任她。
- The lift has a capacity of 15 persons. 这部电梯的载容量为15 人。
- Drive slowly within the city limits. 在市区内车子要开得慢点。
- Genius is the capacity of evade hard work. 天才是避免苦干的能力。
- The exceeding of due bounds or limits. 越界超过正当的界限或限制
- What's the cubic capacity of this engine? 这台发动机的立体容积是多少?