- capital flow reverse 资本流动逆转
- We are also looking for better surveillance or warning system of short term capital flow. 我们也期望加强对短期资金流动的监管或设立短期资金流动警告系统。
- China's capital flow is characterized by its bidirectionalness, periodicity, riskless arbitrage and imbalance. 我国资本流动的特征呈现出双向、期性、风险套利性和非均衡性。
- The ability of capital flow is an indispensable condition to maintain steadfast management of capital. 资本流动能力是资本稳健经营的不可或缺的条件。
- In the next section we shall ignore international capital flows. 在下一节中我们将不考虑国际资本的流量。
- To start with, there is not even an adequate statistical framework to capture capital flow data. 首先,我们甚至没有适当的统计制度,以记录资金流向数据。
- The open economy has developed swiftly. Trade in commodities and services and capital flow have grown markedly. 开放型经济迅速发展,商品和服务贸易、资本流动规模显著扩大。
- Stock is in at the heart of stone shang shang, on the one hand, the capital overstock, make capital flow. 库存是压在终商商心上的一块石头,一方面是资金的积压,使流动资金减少。
- In real terms, the drop in net capital flows was even large. 按实际价值计,净资本流入量下降更大。
- Powerful human resources flow, information flow, capital flow and trade flow have integrated and cohered all around. 强大的人才流、信息流、资金流、贸易流全方位交汇贯通。
- The supervisal and risk defence of short-term capital flow have become more and more important and hot. 因此,对短期资本流动所带来的风险进行防范和监管已经成为金融监管层面临的一个日益重要和紧迫的问题。
- With the help of FR early risk alert model,this paper builds a risk alert model for forecasting Chinese capital flow. 借鉴FR早期风险预警模型的研究方法,建立适用于预测我国资本流动脆弱性风险的预警系统。
- Indeed,as the crisis wore on,there is other evidence which pointed out a systemic problem in the international capital flow. 事实上,在金融危机延续下去之际,有其他迹象显示国际资金的流动存在一个偶发的问题。
- Service in systems involving frequent flow reversals and pulsation should be avoided. 应该避免应用在频繁出现流体倒流和间断的应用系统中。
- The structure of the capital flow had great influences upon currency supply, which caused the inflation and the deflation problems in the 1990s. 而资本流动结构对我国货币供给量情况产生了巨大影响,引发了20世纪90年代的通货膨胀和通货紧缩问题。
- Service in systems involving rapid and frequent flow reversals, pulsation or turbulent flow should be avoided. 应该避免应用在迅速和频繁倒流,脉冲波动或湍流的管道系统中。
- Service involving frequent flow reversals or fluid pulsations should be avoided. 应该避免应用在经常出现流向逆转或流体间歇性中断的应用环境中。
- Now it is experiencing how fickle international capital flows can be. 同时,其国内市场未得到充分开发,较为疲弱。
- The world needs a less doctrinaire approach to foreign capital flows. 我们需要一种不那么教条的方法来对待外资流动。
- Service in systems involving rapid and frequent flow reversals, pulsation or excessively turbulent flow should be avoided. 应该避免应用在高流速,频繁倒流,间断或剧烈湍流的应用系统中。