- Is the Rich Peasant the Rural Capitalist Class? 论我国富农的阶级属性?
- This capitalist class, known as the bureaucrat-capitalist class, is the big bourgeoisie of China. 这个资产阶级,叫做官僚资产阶级,即是中国的大资产阶级。
- They collect all kinds of money revenues and place them at the disposal of the capitalist class. 它们将各种货币收入集中起来,再投放给资本家,由他们支配。
- By eliminating the landowning and capitalist class, Communists thought they could remove oppression from their land. 共产党员认为藉由铲除地主和资产阶级,他们可以除去中国的阶级压迫。
- After the French Revolution, although the hiccup several times, the republicanism of capitalist class was set up finally, the capitalist political modernization was realized. 法国大革命后,虽几经波折,资产阶级共和政体最终建立,资本主义政治现代化实现。
- Thus, under the revisionist regime, the working class no longer works for itself, but is “creating surplus value for the capitalist class. 因此,在修正主义统治下,工人阶级创造的“剩余价值为资本家所占有”。
- Qiu Jin is an outstanding woman revolutionary of capitalist class in modern history of our country,and she is also an educationist with insight. 秋瑾是我国近代史上杰出的资产阶级女革命家,也是一位颇有见地的教育家。
- As a thinker of the capitalist class, Rawls" just principle obviously has its class stand and limitation of historical era. 作为资产阶级的思想家,罗尔斯的正义原则显然有其阶级立场和历史时代的局限性。
- In addition, as a member of the capitalist class, ZHANGjian couldn"t beyond the limitations of compromise and weak of it"s, he approved the reformism. 作为资产阶级的一员,张謇无法从根本上超越资产阶级软弱、妥协的局限性,只想用温和、稳健、保守的行为方式逐渐改良中国的社会面貌。
- Qiu Jin is an outstanding woman revolutionary of capitalist class in modem history of our country, and she is also an educationist with insight. 摘要秋瑾是我国近代史上杰出的资产阶级女革命家,也是一位颇有见地的教育家。
- The means of production formerly owned by the Chinese capitalist class came under state control long ago,and the payment of a fixed rate of interest ended 13 years ago. 我国的资本家阶级原来占有的生产资料早已转到国家手中,定息也已停止十三年之久。
- The means of production formerly owned by the Chinese capitalist class came under state control long ago, and the payment of a fixed rate of interest ended 13 years ago. 我国的资本家阶级原来占有的生产资料早已转到国家手中,定息也已停止十三年之久。
- After the Revolution of 1911, the capitalist class imitated western countries and pursue multi-party competition and parliamentarism, but finally ended in failure. 摘要辛亥革命后,资产阶级仿效西方,追求多党竞争和议会制度,尝试的结果以失败而告终。
- Nevertheless, as the global economy shrinks, the capitalist class in every country is driven to foist the crisis onto its international rivals as well as the working class. 尽管这样,伴随着世界经济的地动山摇,每个国家的资本家阶层和工人阶层都趋向于把危机归罪于给国际竞争。
- Abstract: In the elementary stage of the socialism, the existence and long term development of nonpublic ownership have given rise to new capitalist class. 文章摘要: 社会主义初级阶段非公有制经济的存在和长期发展,导致新的资产阶级的产生。
- CCP made the judgement that the contradiction against CPSU had turned out to be the one against the enemy and Khrushchev had become the representative of capitalist class. 中共做出了中苏两党矛盾已成为敌我性质、赫鲁晓夫已成为资产阶级代言人的判断。
- In the economic field, Mao Zedong's policy orientation abolishes the so-called "right of capitalist class", implements the average distribution system on the whole. 在经济领域,毛泽东的政策取向是破除所谓“资产阶级法权”,实行大体平均的分配制度。
- Chiang Kai-shek, himself, having crushed the workers and the farmersand enslaved a weak capitalist class, had to turn for support to the landlords and the gentry. 蒋介石本人在镇压了工人农民并俘虏了软弱的资产阶级之后,也必须向地主豪绅寻求支持。
- In doing so they transform inactive money capital into active, that is, into capital yielding a profit; they collect all kinds of money revenues and place them at the disposal of the capitalist class. 在此过程中,银行将闲置的钱转化为流通的钱,也就是说,转化为产生利润的资本;它们将各种货币收入集中起来,再投放给资本家,由他们支配。
- To speak inwardly, although the warlords still regarded feudalism as their main thoughts, they had the sense of the composition of democratism and nationalism of the capitalist class. 在思想上,军阀虽仍以封建思想为“体”,但也不乏对资产阶级的民主主义和民族主义加以利用的成分。