- capitalist free market 资本主义自由市场
- The new shirts in a peculiar fashion made a hit on the free market. 这种式样别致的衬衫在自由市场上很受欢迎。
- That man in the free market put it across me by selling me some bad eggs. 在自由市场上,那个男人卖给我坏鸡蛋骗了我。
- The ladies like to spend hours in the free market, bargaining about the goods. 女士们喜欢在自由市场呆上很长时间,同货主们讨价还价。
- Our economy is referred to as a free market. 我们的经济被称为自由市场经济。
- Hong Kong,as you know,is a free market economy. 大家也知道,香港是一个自由市场经济体系。
- If you skip it, the "free market" will expand. 只要你不搞,“自由市
- The city's free market is in full swing. 这个城市的自由市场十分兴旺。
- All the products from that free market are cheesy. 来自自由市场的产品都是品味低俗的。
- China has a booming free market economy. 中国有一个蓬勃的自由市场经济。
- You can drive a hard bargain in the free market. 在自由市场上你可使劲地讨价还价。
- Hong Kong, as you know, is a free market economy. 大家也知道,香港是一个自由市场经济体系。
- Not the abrogation of the free market. 而不是废除自由市场。
- Two packmen are selling leek in free market. 吉林长春自由市场上的韭菜摊。
- In a free market, retailers hawk their wares. 自由市场里商贩们不停地叫卖着。
- Today, the development of capitalist country economy, creed of the theory of free market economy that says palpability is Sa Yi, Marshall and Keynesia is collective the result of action. 今天 ,资本主义国家经济的发展 ,说明了正是萨伊、马歇尔的自由市场经济理论和凯恩斯主义共同作用的结果。
- All sorts of vegetables are sold in the free market. 自由市场卖各种各样的蔬菜。
- The bank bailouts show not only whose interests the state serves, but the hollowness of capitalist commitment to free markets. 这场银行的金援不仅表明了国家是为什么而服务的,也说明了资本主义的自由市场概念是个空洞的理想。
- He never stops extolling the virtues of the free market. 他不停地颂扬自由市场的种种好处。
- Free markets and social justice II. 自由市场与社会正义2。