- carbon rotary kilns 炭素回转窑
- carbon rotary kiln 炭素回转窑
- The machinery is to be detached from the rotary kiln. 这机器将被从旋窑取开。
- The machinery is to be detachedfrom the rotary kiln. 这机器将被从旋窑取开。
- Rotary kiln is the central equipment of NSP production line. 回转窑是新型干法生产的中心设备。
- The chemical structure of C in pyrolytic carbon black(PCB) from the pyrolysis of used tires in a pilot-scale rotary kiln was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS). 应用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)对废轮胎回转窑中试热解炭(PCB)中C元素的化学形态进行分析。
- Disposal of combustible waste materials by using cement rotary kiln. 利用水泥回转窑消纳处理可燃废弃物。
- Applied to end rings of rotary kiln,coal drst burner pipe and grate cooler. 主要用于水泥窑前后窑口,喷煤管,篦式冷却机。
- The furnace shape is specific. The rotary kiln can get good agitation. 炉型独特,炉本体采用旋转式,搅拌及燃烧效果佳。
- The rotary kiln is a major equipment that has been widely used in carbon production line, the erection quality of the rotary kiln directly effects the normal operation of the kiln. 回转窑是广泛应用于碳素生产系统的一种主要设备,回转窑安装质量的好坏将直接影响着回转窑的正常运转。
- It is very important whether the temperature inside the rotary kilns can be measured precisely ... 该研究对回转窑窑内温度的精确检测具有重要意义和实用价值.
- Technical progress of basic refractories for cement rotary kilns is characterized with optimizations of their microstructure. 根据显微结构特征分析研究了水泥回转窑用无铬碱性耐火材料的性能和发展。
- The rotary kiln has simple structure, reliable operation, and easy production process etc. characters. 回转窑具有结构简单,运转可靠,生产过程容易控制等特点。
- A kind of dynamic neural net is introduced, and it is used for artificial temperature control of cement rotary kiln. 介绍了一种动态神经网络,并用此神经网络对水泥回转窑温度实行了仿真控制研究。
- A national patent: the Flexible Driving Technology of the Large-scale Rotary Kiln. 国家专利:大型回转窑柔性传动技术。
- The blast furnace of direct combustion is used to provide heat for drying concentrates in rotary kiln. 直燃式煤粉热风炉是球团矿生产中为精矿粉干燥回转窑提供热源的燃烧炉。
- One schematic diagram of rotary kiln incinerator and its working principle were presented. 给出了回转窑焚烧系统的结构简图,介绍了其工作原理。
- The process treating roast dust from zinc pyrometallurgy is,in general,the second roasting by rotary kiln. 处理火法炼锌高温流态化焙烧过程所产的烟尘,采用回转窑二次焙烧流程。
- This put forward higher design demand to later rotary kiln rebuilding or building. 对以后回转窑的改造和新建提出了更高的设计要求。
- The oxidizing roast of high impurity ferromolybdenum was studied by using rotary kiln. 采用回转窑加热的方法对高杂质钼铁合金氧化焙烧进行了研究。