- Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law. 尊重生命是英国法律最重要的原则。
- Eagle Electric advocates that quality is the cardinal principle. 一直以“质量才是硬道理”作为灵鹰电器公司的经营理念。
- A businessman must take honesty as his cardinal principle and make fair deals. 生意人应当以诚信为本,公平交易。
- Cardinal principle is about security personnel and fire control, thank! 大体是关于保安和消防的,谢谢!
- Now we call these the Four Cardinal Principles. 这是四项基本原则。
- For cardinal principle, group headquarters can offer value from 4 respects. 大体来说,集团总部可以从四个方面提供价值。
- So we shall uphold the Four Cardinal Principles. 所以,我们要坚持四项基本原则。
- This principle is just as important as the other three cardinal principles. 在四个坚持中,坚持人民民主专政这一条不低于其他三条。
- A belief in the inviolability of Chinese sovereignty is often not just their cardinal principle, but their only one. 中国主权神圣不可侵犯绝不仅是他们的基本原则,而是他们的唯一原则。
- Any view that neglects the Four Cardinal Principles is one-sided. 忽略了四项基本原则,这也是带有片面性嘛!
- It's the cardinal principle of the Renzhang Theory and the ruslt of the Xingshan Lun, Xingqing Lun and the cosmic idea. 孟子的战争理论是一种努力向孔子“大同”理想不断进发的政治理论。
- In now the world medicine system, the traditional medicine is a cardinal principle department which and the modern medicine coexists. 在当今世界医学体系中,传统医学是和近代医学并存的一个大体系。
- The core of the Four Cardinal Principles is to uphold leadership by the Party. 坚持四项基本原则的核心,就是坚持党的领导。
- A cardinal principle in approaching building management and maintenance is that it is building owners responsibility to ensure that their buildings are in good repair. 楼宇管理及维修的基本原则是业主有责任确保楼宇整体状况良好。由于这项原则未获广泛接受,以致现时社会上保养大厦的意识薄弱。
- Adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles and develop socialist democracy. 坚持四项基本原则,发展社会主义民主政治。
- How many money should goat of blooded wave Er be worth after all?The expert thinks, breed through embryonic transplanting, every cost cardinal principle is in 3000 multivariate. 纯种波尔山羊到底该值多少钱?专家认为,通过胚胎移植繁殖的,每只成本大体在3000多元。
- Taiwan's concentrated attack on the Four Cardinal Principles shows precisely that we cannot discard them. 台湾集中攻我们四个坚持,恰恰证明四个坚持不能丢。
- The point now is to do more to publicize the necessity of adhering to the Four Cardinal Principles. 现在的问题是,要更多地宣传坚持四项基本原则。
- We have never backed down from our position of upholding the Four Cardinal Principles. 坚持四项基本原则任何时候我都没有让过步。
- Why is the principle of upholding the people's democratic dictatorship included in the Four Cardinal Principles? 坚持四项基本原则中为什么要有一条坚持人民民主专政?