- The constable was unpaid, however, and not expected to do more than carry out the law in country towns and villages where the commonest crime was likely to be the theft of someone's wash. 然而,这种警员是没有报酬的,人们期望他做的也就是在城镇与乡村执法,而当时最常见的犯罪可能是偷窃他人洗晒的衣物。
- At all events, we will carry out the plan. 我们无论如何要执行这项计划。
- In case you do not carry out the contract, we'll have to cancel it. 万一你方不履行合同,我们将不得不撤约。
- The jailer is a corpus that carries out the penalty, is also a corpus of the jail administration, so, whether the principle of legality of the jail administration can be carry through largely decided by the law enforcement level of jailers. 监狱人民警察是执行刑罚的主体,也是监狱管理的主体,监狱管理的法制原则能否得到贯彻关键在于监狱人民警察的执法水平。
- Cost what it may, I will carry out the plan to the full. 无论如何,我都要不折不扣地执行这一计划。
- So how to strictly carry out the laws and po licies concerning environmental geology is one of the key factors that utilizes and protects urban e... 如何严格地实施和执行环境地质法规和相关政策,是合理利用和保护城市地质环境、实施城市可持续发展战略的关键因素之一。
- I was chosen to carry out the experiment. 我被选作进行这一实验的人。
- Carrying out the central government's policies toward ethnic groups and religions in an all-round way,the XPCC handles religious affairs in accordance with the law,and has become a large,united,multi-ethnic family. 新疆生产建设兵团全面贯彻中央政府制定的民族宗教政策,依法管理宗教事务,使兵团成为各民族团结的大家庭。
- Do I need to carry out the plan now? 我需要马上实施计划吗?
- Carrying out the central government's policies toward ethnic groups and religions in an all-round way, the XPCC handles religious affairs in accordance with the law, and has become a large, united, multi-ethnic family. 新疆生产建设兵团全面贯彻中央政府制定的民族宗教政策,依法管理宗教事务,使兵团成为各民族团结的大家庭。
- Query, when will they carry out the project? 请问,他们什么时候执行这一方案?
- The Party led us to carry out the land reform. 党领导我们实行了土改。
- At the meeting we decided against carrying out the plan. 在会上我们决定不执行这项计划。
- We must carry out the plan with determination. 我们决心要完成这个计划。
- To be able to carry out the task on you initiative. 积极主动参与小组活动,在活动中起主导作用。
- It is up to you to carry out the plan. 由你实行那个计划。
- The executive branch carries out the laws which have been made by the politicians. 行政部门执行由政治家制定的法律。
- I will carry out the plan at any price. 我将不惜任何代价实施该计划。
- An executioner is a person who carries out the death sentence. 刽子手是执行死刑的人。
- Tomorrow, Sandra will carry out the garbage. 明天珊多拉将会收拾垃圾的。