- I don't see why I should carry the can for his mistakes as well as my own. 我不明白为什么要我同时为我和为他的错误承担责任。
- Captain and coach carry the can of sloppy thinking. 队长和教练因其草率决定而受到责备。
- As usual, he was left to carry the can. 像往常一样,他成了带人受过的替罪羊。
- Mike carried the can for his son. 迈克替他儿子背黑锅。
- Why do I always have to carry the can when something goes wrong? 为什么出了事,总是由我来承担罪责?
- Why do we always have to carry the can when something goes wrong? 为什么出了事,总是由我们来承担罪责?
- Ann always had to carry the can for her younger brother when he broke anything. 安的弟弟打破东西之后,她总是要替他受责备。
- Someone is going to take responsibility for this disater. Who is going to carry the can. 需要有人为这起灾难来负责,谁来承担起责任呢?
- All the can shoot is a clay pigeon. 他所能射击的不过是一个容易的非移动靶。
- It's not likely for me to carry the bag. 叫我扛这个包是不可能的。
- These pillars carry the weight of the roof. 这些柱子支撑著屋顶的重量。
- Found a handy spot for the can opener. 为开罐头的人找到了一个现成的开启点
- When the danger of the enterprise became obvious,one by one Claud's confederates backed out,and left him to carry the can. 当企业的危机变得十分明显时,克劳德的同伙人一个个打了退堂鼓,让他一个人倒霉。
- You can help me carry the things. 你可以帮助我拿东西。
- She can carry the box by herself. 她自己能拿动这个箱子。
- Can I help you carry the basket? 用我帮你搬箱子吗?
- At all events we will carry the struggle through to the end. 无论如何我们要拼博到底。
- The meeting carried the motion by a large majority. 会议以多数通过了这项提议。
- The woodsman carried the firewood down the hill. 樵夫背着柴火下山了。
- You can open the can by pulling the tab. 你可拉拉环把罐头打开。