- cartilagines sesamoideae nasi 鼻副软骨
- cartilagines sesamoideae [医] 鼻籽状软骨, 鼻副软骨
- cartilagines sesamoidea [医] 喉籽状软骨
- The job was 'non-stress,' Nasi says. 纳希说,这份工作“没什么压力”。
- Er...you give me one nasi gorong ...ah...with pork. 你给我一个炒饭....阿..加猪肉
- It is as important as the Nasi Lemak to the Malays. 于是,在多数的熟食中心,你都可以看到板面的踪影。
- Madoff took care of Nasi at bonus time too. 马多夫在发奖金的时候也会照顾纳希。
- Went this Restaurant just now for its famous nasi lemak. 我叫了猪扒还有热美禄加两粒生熟蛋,人间美味阿!
- This is the first food from soup curry and a mixture of Nasi. 这道食物的汤头是由咖喱和椰浆混合而成的。
- Here I present you nasi lemak, a truly Malaysia Flavour dish. 今天我向你推荐一道真正马来西亚风味的美食--椰浆饭。
- The Nasi officer is sentenced to death for his crimes in the war. 那个纳粹军官由于在战争中犯下累累罪行而被判处死刑。
- Nasi delivered something to the SEC, Madoff 'wanted a receipt. 比如,当纳希送东西到SEC时,马多夫会“要收据”。
- This is Nasi Lemak (Coconut rice). You can see briefly what is inside. 这就是椰浆饭。你可以大概看到我们放了什么配料。
- Nasi Lemak comes in different versions if prepared by different chefs. 在不同的厨师手中,椰浆饭千变万化。
- Nasi attended the Madoff firm's famous summer parties in Montauk, Long Island. 纳希参加过公司在长岛芒陶克举办的有名的夏季聚会。
- Conclusion:This method is simple and effect for traumatic defect of alae nasi. 结论:利用此方法修复鼻翼缺损方法简单,效果满意。
- Singaporeans, despite their exposure to a wider availability of foreign cuisines, still crave for their chicken rice, nasi lemak and roti prata. 虽然外地佳肴在本地唾手可得,国人还是钟情于海南鸡饭、马来椰浆饭和印度煎饼。
- On Dec. 12, the day after Madoff was arrested, Nasi went back to the office to collect his things in a duffle bag. 12月12日,也就是马多夫被捕的第二天,纳希回到办公室,将个人物品整理好放到帆布包里。
- Procerus muscles arise from the joining site of nasal bone and nasi cartilage and its i... 结论通过观察弄清了鼻额部深层的皱眉肌和降眉肌的形态及其与血管神经的关系。